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Hyenas (+ mongoose and civets)

Started by sbell, December 23, 2012, 11:11:45 PM

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So, it is time to bring out some of my favourite groups of creatures! One half of the order Carnivora, the feliformes.

I'm going to start with a repost from another forum, regarding hyenas! The very coolest creatures!

They will be listed left to right, based on where their heads enter from the left.

Top row: Wild Safari, Papo, Dosco, Chap Mei, AAA
Middle row: Lineol (Elastolin? Taylor & Barrett), AAA, Schleich (newer one), Schleich (older one), Ricolino (Mexican candy company), Bullyland
Bottom row: Jakk/Discovery Kids/Scanopedia, Unknown, Ral Partha Chasmaporthetes, Timpo, Ral Partha Giant Hyena (Pachycrocuta?), Ral Partha, Bandai (standing & sitting), Schleich mini (darker version), Play Visions, Starlux, K&M International, Aussini, Panini, Schleich mini (lighter version, with some paint highlights).

Here is a second picture, zooming in on the smaller ones at the front (no idea why it turned blue):

And some other, not so much toy ones:

A porcelain one from Germany, a malachite one, a blown glass one, and a family of wooden ones made by Jalu Wood Creations (yeah, they're supposed to be toys, but not for $32!).

If anyone knows of a good, definitive Brown Hyena, that would be super. I have put the bug in the ears of a few people that could make it happen from current makers, but I have yet to see one (the Lineol is close, I suppose, and the Schleich minis, but I want a Museum-quality Brown hyena).

And of course, released after the pictures above, the CollectA Striped Hyena:

And MojoFun Spotted hyena:

I am sure to be missing some from this thread.  I will get them up here eventually.

Also, big rule for this thread--NO DOGS. NO BEARS. NO PANDAS, RACCOONS, COATIS, WEASELS, SEALS, WALRUSES, etc.  I will point it out every time. I may mock you.  Someone else can make a Caniformia thread.


Hehe, I thought you'd bring this thread up, eventually! :) And what an impressive collection of hyena figures. :o There are many that seem to be really good, e.g. the AAA in the top row. I only have the Safari Ltd. one so far. :-[ So no one has ever made an aardwolf then?


Really impressive :o. Aw, I'm missing the Marolin Hyena I once sent you :).



Hey Brontodocus, of course you can! This thread is for all of the members of the suborder! And to be honest, I am missing a fair number of cat figures (to be honest, lions & tigers are my lowest priority! :-\).

The whole point of this thread is to capture half of one of the more common groups of mammal figures--I am guessing it will be very cat heavy, as it doesn't take long to run through the mongooses, civets and hyenas.

I do still have the Marolin you sent me:

It's just another one that came in after those pictures! I lose track.

Plus, I will have the new Schleich hyena soon (the one with the gladiator). To say nothing of the occasional not-so-great figure that I still buy (like today!)

And as far as I know, there is no Aardwolf figure. As always, if someone can prove me wrong it would be great!


Quote from: brontodocus on December 23, 2012, 11:48:29 PM
Hehe, I thought you'd bring this thread up, eventually! :) And what an impressive collection of hyena figures. :o There are many that seem to be really good, e.g. the AAA in the top row. I only have the Safari Ltd. one so far. :-[ So no one has ever made an aardwolf then?

Lovely collecyion of hayenas. Is the first time that I see hyenas of brands that I dont know  ^-^.
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Quote from: postsaurischian on December 24, 2012, 12:22:09 AM
Really impressive :o. Aw, I'm missing the Marolin Hyena I once sent you :).

May I show the Papo big cats here?

Papo great felines are the best from my point of view  ^-^. I dont have the puma, bobcat, lynx and cheeta and her calf  ^-^.
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Great collections!

Before we get too deep into this thread though, I really think there are more than enough figures of each to justify separate hyena and big cat threads :) I hereby christen this one the Hyena (+ mongoose and civet) thread  O:-)

I only have the Wild Safari hyena  :)


Quote from: animaltoyforum on December 24, 2012, 11:05:52 AM
Great collections!

Before we get too deep into this thread though, I really think there are more than enough figures of each to justify separate hyena and big cat threads :) I hereby christen this one the Hyena (+ mongoose and civet) thread  O:-)

I only have the Wild Safari hyena  :)
I agree, I think big cats should have their own thread, too. Most collectors have a considerable number of felid figures which would easily fill a whole thread sooner or later. The hyenas, mongooses and civets would really deserve a thread on their own. :)



My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Quote from: Jetoar on December 27, 2012, 01:59:17 PM
He is better than Papo spotted hyena  ^-^.

It's probably the best one out there of any of them. The MojoFun is pretty good too.  And the new Schleich one (with the gladiator) is well-done as well (if a little monsterfied).



Quote from: sbell on December 27, 2012, 03:11:27 PM
Quote from: Jetoar on December 27, 2012, 01:59:17 PM
He is better than Papo spotted hyena  ^-^.

It's probably the best one out there of any of them. The MojoFun is pretty good too.  And the new Schleich one (with the gladiator) is well-done as well (if a little monsterfied).

Schleich have a old hyena that he was very nice, but safari version is better.
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Quote from: sbell on December 27, 2012, 03:11:27 PM
Quote from: Jetoar on December 27, 2012, 01:59:17 PM
He is better than Papo spotted hyena  ^-^.
It's probably the best one out there of any of them. The MojoFun is pretty good too.  And the new Schleich one (with the gladiator) is well-done as well (if a little monsterfied).
It's the only hyena figure I have so far. :-\ But it's good to see that you confirm what I thought - that it's probably the best one to get. :) I've seen the Papo hyena often in a toy store and never got it, it's not bad but the texture and paint quality don't seem to match Papo's usual high standards when it comes to their wildlife figures.


Quote from: brontodocus on December 27, 2012, 07:48:23 PM
Quote from: sbell on December 27, 2012, 03:11:27 PM
Quote from: Jetoar on December 27, 2012, 01:59:17 PM
He is better than Papo spotted hyena  ^-^.
It's probably the best one out there of any of them. The MojoFun is pretty good too.  And the new Schleich one (with the gladiator) is well-done as well (if a little monsterfied).
It's the only hyena figure I have so far. :-\ But it's good to see that you confirm what I thought - that it's probably the best one to get. :) I've seen the Papo hyena often in a toy store and never got it, it's not bad but the texture and paint quality don't seem to match Papo's usual high standards when it comes to their wildlife figures.

Yeah, the Papo is pretty cartoonish, actually.

Quote from: Jetoar on December 27, 2012, 07:25:16 PM
Quote from: sbell on December 27, 2012, 03:11:27 PM
Quote from: Jetoar on December 27, 2012, 01:59:17 PM
He is better than Papo spotted hyena  ^-^.

It's probably the best one out there of any of them. The MojoFun is pretty good too.  And the new Schleich one (with the gladiator) is well-done as well (if a little monsterfied).

Schleich have a old hyena that he was very nice, but safari version is better.

I have both paint versions, and they are pretty poor by current figure comparison. Like I said, the new Schleich hyena with the gladiator is pretty good (even if it has a spiked collar).


My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


I reallly like hyenas- will evetually make one of some sort. I sort of was thinking a kill scene with a pack of hyenas tearing into something- something a bit different than just a hyena standing there which it seems there are plenty of figures of.


I think that, brands should to do more figures of hyenas and less figures of lions and tigers.
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Quote from: Jetoar on December 29, 2012, 10:09:31 PM
I think that, brands should to do more figures of hyenas and less figures of lions and tigers.

Especially lions...lions suck ;D ;D

Quote from: dinonikes on December 29, 2012, 05:28:28 PM
I reallly like hyenas- will evetually make one of some sort. I sort of was thinking a kill scene with a pack of hyenas tearing into something- something a bit different than just a hyena standing there which it seems there are plenty of figures of.

That would be great--better yet, do a good brown hyena because no one does those.  I'd say Aardwolf, but a couple of little hyenas licking termites off of the ground might not be all that exciting...I'd still buy it of course.