12 Days of FISHMAS! Day Seven!

Day seven of the Twelve Days of Fishmas! Day six can be found here. The tag for the whole set will be here. On the seventh day of Fishmas cladistics gave to me... Seven basal euteleostsSix crown OtomorphaFIVE! BOH-NY TONGUES!Four elopomorphs Three HolosteansTwo ChondrosteiAnd a bichir at the base of Actinopterygii A small start to a big group Day 7 is a trio of clades from the basal level of the Euteleostomorphs. I honestly don't fully get everything about how…


Vault Tales 190 FigureFrenzy Hammerhead sharks, Rainbow trout, Beluga Whale, Luna moths

So here's a bunch of random figures today...sometimes the random generator is really, really random! So let's get random! One thing...every figure that is in a numbered set is number 04...and the one that isn't is a set of 4! And I'm putting this up on March 4! Spooky numbering, and entirely coincidental! Safari Safariology Luna Moth life cycle On the left, the Luna Moth caterpillar and pupa/coccoon, both about 2:1 scale (it can be hard to be sure). On…


Vault Tales 170 ToyTrio Cretoxyrhina, Dragon Moray, Dolly Varden

We've got another trio of figures for this week, and we're going fully aquatic again! And all featuring figures that have stories behind them, for very different reasons. Let's go swimming! Safari Ltd. Prehistoric Sharks toob Cretoxyrhina Something about prehistoric lamniforme sharks always look kind of similar. At least it's a different species. First up we have another figure from the sadly discontinued Safari Ltd Prehistoric Sharks toob, this time the Cretoxyrhina also known as the Ginsu Shark for it's…


Vault Tales 145 ToyTrio Ayu, Brown trout, Wels catfish

So, another trio and this time it's all (mostly) freshwater fish! All of them being ones that are frequently caught by anglers, for various reasons. Plus, I don't think any of these fish figures are actually still in production anymore...so there's that. Yujin Freshwater Fish Pictorial book 1 Ayu Popular in as a food fish, the Ayu is also known as the Sweetfish. They are also popular as figures from Japan. Our first one is a fish from Japanese company…