Vault Tales 246 FigureFrenzy Bat, Horse, Smilodon, Megaloceros, Theropoda

More randomness...including what might be my first accidental repeat of a figure! Considering how many I've done, I'm surprised I haven't done it before (or at least, didn't catch it before I had everything together!) I'll put a different spin on it I did throw off the otherwise 'mammals only' theme for the post though. Schleich Miniatures Bat A teeny tiny BATfigure! No species is given or determinate. But it is small. First up, another of the very small…


Vault Tales 143 ToyTrio Tawa, Coelophysis, Tyrannosaurus

So today's trio is going to be a variety of dinosaur figures, all relatively recent releases! As it works kind of acts as a very basic family lineage of the theropod (meat-eating) dinosaurs. If I arrange them in the right order...which I did. It's also why it felt more right to put them together in a 'trio' instead of looking at each one separately. Schleich 'Conquering the Earth' Tawa As dinosaur figures go the Tawa is definitely unique. Also,…