Vault Tales 190 FigureFrenzy Hammerhead sharks, Rainbow trout, Beluga Whale, Luna moths

So here's a bunch of random figures today...sometimes the random generator is really, really random! So let's get random! One thing...every figure that is in a numbered set is number 04...and the one that isn't is a set of 4! And I'm putting this up on March 4! Spooky numbering, and entirely coincidental! Safari Safariology Luna Moth life cycle On the left, the Luna Moth caterpillar and pupa/coccoon, both about 2:1 scale (it can be hard to be sure). On…


Vault Tales 147 ToyTrio Mole cricket, Whelk, Slit-shell snail

I seem to have found a way to create themes for the trio is super unusual for me--it's all invertebrates. Not a group that I have a lot of although some weirder ones are in my collection--I do have at least one whole shelf of mostly prehistoric ones after all! Bin figure large Whelk snail I'm going to speed past this's a bin figure, part of a large set of marine animals. The actual scale, like the species,…

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Vault tales 56 Colorata Red-Legged Stag Beetle

Who makes it? Colorata, in their Stag Beetles Real Figure Box. It's number 1 in the set. Yes, it's a little dusty. It's on my son's shelves...and even behind glass... When did it come out? Not sure. At least 2004 although there may have been revisions in that time (it's true of many of the Colorata boxes I have) Different view. You can see the red legs! Still available? According to the Colorata website, yes. And from at least a…