12 Days of FISHMAS! Day Nine!

Day nine of the Twelve Days of Fishmas! Day eight can be found here. The tag for the whole set will be here. On the ninth day of Fishmas cladistics gave to me... Nine representatives of basal PercomorphaceaeEight basal NeoteleostsSeven basal euteleostomorphsSix crown OtomorphaFIVE! BOH-NY TONGUES!Four elopomorphs Three HolosteansTwo ChondrosteiAnd a bichir at the base of Actinopterygii Bunch of mostly odd, low-bodied fish. Day nine brings us the basal members of the euteleost clade Percomorphocaea. As a large group, it…


Vault Tales 245 FigureFrenzy Sea Cucumber, Sea Star, Pipefish, Garden eels, Goby

It's been a while since I did a random figure frenzy, but here we are! Five figures from varying companies, of varying quality. And all represent marine animals (although I don't think they coexist...) FUL (Nayab?) Sea Cucumbers large & small A couple of Sea Cucumber figures from ta set of small and large marine figures. Let's be honest, not a particularly common animal figure...similar in size, about 1:5 and 1: 4 scale First up, a pair of weird little…