FigureFocus 315 Kaiyodo ChocoEgg Japanese Giant Salamander

I'm going to look at another Kaiyodo ChocoEgg figure today, not surprising since I have so many of them! This is one from the very first Furuta Animaltales series, the one that kicked it all off! The first several series was, I think, entirely focused on Japanese fauna, which was fantastic for those of us that collect animal figures--so many species (from so many clades) that were otherwise produced (or at least produced in a decent form). This Japanese Giant…



So today is Christmas day--which means that the whole family is here! The extended family is here now! Day twelve can be found here. The tag for the whole set will be here. On Fishmas day itself cladistics gave to me... Twelve Eupercaria!Eleven fish near the topTen Syngnatharia+PelagiariaNine PercomorphaEight basal NeoteleostsSeven basal euteleostomorphsSix crown OtomorphaFIVE! BOH-NY TONGUES!Four elopomorphs Three HolosteansTwo ChondrosteiA bichir at the base of ActinopterygiiAnd some Saarcopterygii relatives sharing a common ancestor in Osteicthyes! Way, way down there--a…


Vault Tales 233 Run the Set Kitan Club Nature Technicolor Newts & Salamanders

I appear to be on a bit of an inadvertent Japanese set streak this month. It wasn't intentional, but sometimes it just happens. Not sure how long it's going to go. But for today, instead of a Kaiyodo set, it will be the first of at least two sets from Kitan Club, a Japanese company that got started in the early 2010s. Many of their models are wildlife or nature based, and many are encompassed under the Nature Technicolor of…


Vault Tales 151 ToyTrio Two Salamanders and a Lungfish

So here's a few figures connected by being...air breathing vertebrates? Sure, let's say that. Otherwise they're very, very different. COG "Cool Reptiles" Green salamander This is all the photos that I need of this one. It's a small, and probably too big for Duke there. The species is indeterminate so who knows. First off, I'm starting with a small salamander figure from a bucket set called Cool Reptiles from COG Ltd. Even though it seems to contain more amphibians than…

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