FigureFocus 318 Kaiyodo Capsule Q Green Triceratops

It's time to look at another Kaiyodo CapsuleQ dinosaur figure, and like the last time, it is the 'chase' or special figure. This particular model is from the Ceratopsia series, I believe released the year after the Tyrannosaur series. Like that series, it included the 'star' dinosaur (Triceratops), the associated skull and skeleton, a single other less familiar species (in this series, Diabloceratops), and all with a scale model human (or skull/skeleton). The tyrannosaurs came with white humans, the ceratopsians…


Vault Tales 187 FigureFrenzy Nasutoceratops, Uintatherium, Dunkleosteus, Smilodon

New Figure Frenzy, with a bunch of larger figures! Interestingly, we're going to hit the three geologic eras (and the kind of fourth, based on the original breakdown into four). But I'm not going to do them in geologic order since...I just am not. Three of them are excellent models from excellent companies. One of them is a well known animal that is frequently made but can be generously described as 'okay', from a company that can be described as...okay…