FigureFocus 310 Bullyland Gomphotherium

So here's a fun figure from a line I haven't talked about enough. Another figure from the Bullyland Naturkundemuseum Stuttgart Prehistoric Mammal line. As I've said, this was a wonderful series with a relatively broad (especially for the late 90s) diversity of Cenozoic prehistoric animals (admittedly, all but one were mammals). This figure, the Gomphotherium was especially exciting because it was probably one of the earliest non-mammoth prehistoric elephant figures, barring a couple of hard-to-get Starlux models. And although the…


Vault Tales 229 Bullyland Batrachotomus

It's been a while, but this week is going to be a couple of Figure Focus posts! No particular reason, it just worked out that way. But they are link in interesting ways--large, carnivorous beasts that predate dinosaurs...figures that represent animals not often seen. Figures that weren't especially easy to get, and are way harder to get now...enough about that. The first figure...was name in the title, so not a surprise! The Bullyland Batrachotomus. This is a scaly, active beast.…


Vault Tales 209 FigureFrenzy Deinotherium, Neanderthal, Andrewsarchus, Chasmaporthetes

Oooh! Prehistoric mammal FigureFrenzy today! And quite the range of figures and companies while we're at it! Let's see! Starlux Deinotherium A classic model of a probiscidean that has been interpreted in many ways, the Starlux Deinotherium is heavily based on Asian elephants with a weird lower jaw. The figure is close to 1:100, so mom & child are not far off. Our first figure is the elephant-like Deinotherium Starlux, released in 1973 with the item number FS40044. It was…


Vault tales 178 – Clades – “Sauropoda”

Today we have another 'Clades' and this will take more explanation? When I revamped my database taxonomic details, I realized that some groups were very heavily lumped into one category--even though many groups fit in as ancestors to others, etc. Some groups were also more tightly defined than others, often based on how I focus in my collecting (so, lots of fish ones, very few arthropods...still true). I also realized that it could make a clades post really, really…

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Vault Tales 172 Bullyland Woolly Mammoth

Happy New Year all! Today, to wrap up the year we're going to look at another great Bullyland Stuttgart Museum figure. This time, that classic beast of the Ice Age, the Woolly mammoth! And yes, coincidentally, we already visited a mammoth earlier this week, along with some other prehistoric mammals. It isn't planned, just kind of random. A very classic animal, in a very classic rendition. The Bullyland Woolly Mammoth is number 58355, and was among the earliest models made…


Vault Tales 160 Bullyland Deinotherium

So for once, we are going to just look at one figure--something I usually reserve for larger or more notable figures. In this instance, it's a figure from one of the best lines released in the late 90s until the early 2000s, from a company that seemed ready to make a huge impact. Which they kind of did. For a while. I am of course talking about the Bullyland Prehistoric Animals & Humans line made in conjunction with the Stutgaart…

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Vault Tales 136 ToyTrio Lotus Flower, Blue Spiny Lizard, Powan

Today's trio is all over the terms of species, company and quality! Safari Flower Toob Lotus Flower It's a Lotus flower! Okay, not super exciting, but good potential for filling out scenes, like with a Schleich mini frog! Or with The Doctor, about 1:7 scale, but who knows for sure. Well, first up we have a plant. The lotus flower from the Safari Ltd Flowers toob, product number 682904 from 2013. As a set, it is certainly different; I'm…

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Vault tales 37 Bullyand Predatory Ratite

Who makes it? This figure is from the glory days of Bullyland's Stuttgart Museum Prehistoric Mammals line, item number 58356. It was originally released as Diatryma, but the re-release labelled it Gastornis. If knowing the exact species is important, this figure is probably G. gigantea. since it's the best known Gastornis skeleton. And the biggest one! When did it come out? The line originally came out in 1998, and was briefly re-released in 2012. Still available? After coming out twice,…

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