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Vault Tales 239 Run the Set Kaiyodo DinoExpo 2004

Yet another Japanese set, and this is one of those super fancy ones! I think I've mentioned Dino Expo sets before--released in association with annual (or roughly so) events in Japan featuring some kind of prehistoric theme. Many of these sets are short-lived, and are often very desirable collectables. Until recently, most were from Kaiyodo. A few of the earliest were special collections within the Dinotales line (sometimes with a new sculpt or two) but at some point, Kaiyodo started…


Vault Tales 238 Run the Set Kaiyodo Poisonous & Venomous Creatures Vol 2

More Japanese figures! Except this one is very, very new! Like, released earlier this year new! I actually only just received it a few weeks ago. And since I was taking photos anyway, I thought I would just go ahead and share it here this week! Two of the figures, the invertebrates in the set. On the left, the Indian Tiger Centipede and on the right, a Japanese Box Jelly. These figures are of course not to scale with the…


Vault Tales 237 Run the Set Takara TOMY Carnivorous Plants

Time for another set! And another Japanese set no less! But a bit of a shift--a series of plants which is...less my normal thing. But they're the Takara TOMY Carnivorous Plants figures. Which, given how weird that is, I had to take the opportunity when I saw them! The first couple figures. I appreciate the bases, which include the Latin names, allowing me to know what they even are! In this case, a Fanged pitcher plant (L) and a Winged…


Vault Tales 236 Run the Set Kaiyodo Series 10 Sunshine Aquarium

Another short look at what I have from a Japanese set. This time revisiting a Kaiyodo Capsule Aquarium one, the Sunshine Aquarium set. I only have a few but of course they're fantastic models. A couple of different versions of some cool moray eels. They are labelled to species although the designations are possibly not accurate anymore. On the left is labelled Gymnothorax melanospilus which is now synonymized with Gymnothorax isingteena, the Spotted Moray. On the right is Gymnothorax javanicus,…


Vault Tales 235 Run the Set Yujin Freshwater Fishes Book 1 release 1

Still on a roll with the Japanese set! And again, it's the figures that I have from larger sets. They'll be fairly short this week, as I don't have many of either one...and it's been a busy week too! For this post we'll look at the figures from one of the Yujin Freshwater Series, a range of figures I've explored a few times before. In this instance, it is the original of the originals. These are the figures that I…


Vault Tales 234 Run the Set Ikimon Nature Technicolor Move Eels

Following with the accidental "Nature Technicolor" theme of the week, this time we are going to quickly look at a more recent set (well, 75% of it). Released in 2019, this set of Garden eels would have been under the Ikimon Nature Technicolor brand, unlike the Kitan Club set from a few days ago. This one also has a pretty fancy gimmick, and in spite of myself I have included a gif at the end to demonstrate (foreshadowing: it is…


Vault Tales 233 Run the Set Kitan Club Nature Technicolor Newts & Salamanders

I appear to be on a bit of an inadvertent Japanese set streak this month. It wasn't intentional, but sometimes it just happens. Not sure how long it's going to go. But for today, instead of a Kaiyodo set, it will be the first of at least two sets from Kitan Club, a Japanese company that got started in the early 2010s. Many of their models are wildlife or nature based, and many are encompassed under the Nature Technicolor of…


Vault Tales 232 Run the Set Kaiyodo UHA Chocolasaurs Dinotales Series 1 PART 2

Part 2 - Palaeozoic and Cenozoic Figures! And we're back with Part 2, featuring the best Palaeozoic and Cenozoic figures the Dinotales Series 1 had to offer (not really a surprise if you've looked at the banner)! Another nine figures, after the 15 from the first part. In case you missed it, the first post featuring the dinosaurs and other Mesozoic animals can be found here. There are some really cool ones in this lot though. Let's go from geologically…


Vault Tales 231 Run the Set Kaiyodo UHA Chocolasaurs Dinotales Series 1 PART 1

Part 1 - The Mesozoic Figures! That's right--as the title suggests, I am going to be looking at the full run of the Series 1 Dinotales line, the one that started it all! I have looked at various individual Dinotales figures before of course, but I don't think I tackled a full complete set. And it turns out, with at least 25 figures that gets a little daunting. Because unlike some sets, Dinotales deserve at least a little more time…


Vault Tales 230 Hasbro Jurassic Park Lycaenops group

As I mentioned earlier, this week is accidentally non-dinosaur animals that predate dinosaurs. We started with a Triassic archosaur, and now we're going even further back to the Permian, with an animal on the eventual mammal lineage! I am talking about the Lycaenops figures made by Kenner (possibly under Hasbro) as part of the original Jurassic Park series of figures. The original Lycaenops figure, released as 'FANG' for the Kenner Jurassic Park Series 2 dinosaurs release. And with it, a…


Vault Tales 229 Bullyland Batrachotomus

It's been a while, but this week is going to be a couple of Figure Focus posts! No particular reason, it just worked out that way. But they are link in interesting ways--large, carnivorous beasts that predate dinosaurs...figures that represent animals not often seen. Figures that weren't especially easy to get, and are way harder to get now...enough about that. The first figure...was name in the title, so not a surprise! The Bullyland Batrachotomus. This is a scaly, active beast.…


Vault Tales 228 FigureFrenzy Futabasaurus, Salmon, Velociraptor, Xenacanthus, Teleoceras

More random figures. Possibly more random than normal! Even a figure that was customized (not the first one I've discussed, I think. But a weirder one). Mostly prehistoric animals though. That's something. Playmates Dinosaur King Futabasaurus This pattern on Futabasaurus is almost a meme among early figures of the animal. Not sure how that came to pass. It's about 1:60 scale, close to the diver. Visiting another Dinosaur King figure again already? Yup, another wave 2 figure, and one that…