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Vault tales 83 COG African(?) Mammoth

Who makes it? This is another figure in the COG Prehistoric Panorama Mammals series. Most of that will carry over here, so I get to be brief! When did it come out? Like the Arsinoitherium, 2008. But I'm pretty sure this one was definitely one of the re-released figures with the blind bags. It's a mammoth. But it really doesn't look like the standard woolly mammoth. Still available? I think so...if the blind bags are still around. Where can it…

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Vault tales 82 Medicom Megalodon

Who makes it? Part of a series of 'Mystery' or Cryptid models from Japanese company Medicom, this 'Ancient Shark' is part of their Mystery Museum series 2. It is referred to as 'Ancient Shark' officially, but given the size (there is a yacht-like boat in the base) it is most likely referring to Otodus megalodon, or more commonly, Megalodon. When did it come out? I honestly have no idea. Probably early to mid-2000s. From one side. It's very much a…

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Vault tales 81 Replica Toy Fish Yellow Perch

Who makes it? One of the original 3" fish from Replica Toy Fish. At one point they were divided into sets, the yellow perch was part of the Pond Fish set. When did it come out? About 2010. The release was hard to pin down between when they were announced and when they came out. A yellow perch. A pretty classic fish species. Still available? Disappointingly, no. The whole series was discontinued about 2017. There are still a couple of…

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Vault tales 80 Kaiyodo Dinotales Elasmosaurus

Who makes it? Kaiyodo Dinotales, part of the 7th series. The Elasmosaurus is number 117A--the brown colour one. I think 117B is purple, but I only got one! Seen from above. It really shows off how big the body is, compared to how skinny and long the neck is. When did it come out? I feel like it was around 2008 but I can't exactly remember. Still available? As with all Dinotales, these were limited in their availability. And of…

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Vault tales 79 Safari toob Sarcoprion

Who makes it? Safari Ltd as part of the Prehistoric Sharks toob. The toob item number is 679904. When did it come out? I think 2010...that sounds about right. Not the whorl-tooth shark we usually hear about--this one is much pointier! Still available? Sadly, no. Like other great toobs from Safari, this one has been discontinued. Where can it be found in my displays? I actually have a few of them. One is one the main shelves with lots of…

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Vault tales Run the Set 78 COG Fascinating Fossils

What is this? Another Run the Set already!? It really is, with another take on prehistoric figures from COG. In this instance it's a lot of fake fossils, just like the Safari Ancient Fossils toob. Does it hold up? What are these? These models are from a COG Ltd series called Ein-O-Science, small, inexpensive science-lab kits that provided small science experiments or activities on all kinds of fields of study. In our home we've had ones regarding electricity, renewable energy,…

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Vault tales 77 Yujin Roughskin Sculpin (2 variants)

Who makes them? Japanese company Yujin, as part of their Primary Freshwater Fish Pictorial Book 2 set--original and revised releases. Number 27 in the set The two variants. The Original is on the left, with the brighter red gills. When did they come out? I honestly can't begin to guess. I got the revised one in about 2007, so those likely showed up a year or two before that (I purchased a bulk lot in an auction). The original series…

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Vault tales 76 Colorata Cretaceous Dino Vol 1 Velociraptor

Who makes it? Colorata as part of their Dinosaurs Volume 1 Cretaceous box set, series number 970720. Number 03 in the collection When did it come out? I want to say around 2009 or 2010, maybe a little later. Colorata's second take on Velociraptor. They didn't change much from their first attempt. Still available? It is still available, yes. Where can it be found in my displays? I have a shelf full of Colorata dinosaurs. So...there. More or less from…

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Vault tales 75 Monday Knight Productions Knifefish

Who makes them? They are current sold by a RPG miniatures company called Monday Knight Productions under the name 'eel' in their 25mm Aquatic animals line. Except, given the extended anal fin/no caudal-or-dorsal fin, and the overall shape, they're more likely gymnotiform knifefish, not eels. My take on the pattern of a banded knifefish. The base is a Sculpey one. When did it come out? I honestly have no clue. They were originally produced by a different company (I think…

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Vault tales 74 Colorata Striped Marlin

Who makes it? Colorata as part of their Saltwater Fishes box set--the original release (not the currently available version). Item 01 in the series, the box number is still 978399. When did it come out? I've had it since 2009, and I believe it was originally around then. Note the base--there are two visible extra holes, in case I want to squeeze two more fish on there. Still available? As mentioned, the figure (and the set) is available in a…

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Vault tales Run the Set 73 Iwako Prehistoric erasers

What is this? Well, it's another Run the Set! This time, a selection of erasers from Japan by a company called Iwako. There is no way that I have all of them, but I do have a pretty interesting variety of species among them. What are these? As I said, they are erasers. Of some pretty strange taxa, to be honest. Anyone familiar with browsing Japanese auction sites, etc, will be familiar with the range of collectable erasers available there.…

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Vault tales 72 EoFauna Straight-Tusked Elephant Palaeoloxodon

Who makes it? A small but excellent company called EoFauna. This is literally their second figure ever. When did it come out? It was released in 2018. Here it is! Too large to get a proper photo with a full background... Still available? It hasn't been out that long, and yes, they are. Where can it be found in my displays? On a shelf full of big prehistoric mammals. And it is definitely one of the biggest on that shelf.…

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