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Play Visions, Wing Mau (=XX), and Club Earth

Started by dinocat62, January 14, 2013, 04:37:15 AM

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PV felids

Lynx (Safari)
Mountain Lion
Cape Lion
Clouded Leopard
Ocelot on a flashlight
Fossa (KM)
Iriomote Cat (Kaiyodo)


PV viverrids

Aquatic Civet (actually a genet)
Spotted Linsang
Sea Otters (Safari)
Marbled Polecat
Ring-tailed Mongoose
African Civet
Binturong (actually a Spotted Civet)
Abyssinian Genet
Banded Palm Civet
Badger (maker unknown)
Black-footed Ferret


Hooved mammals

Giant Muntjac male (Noah's Pals)
Red River Hog (KM)
Giant Muntjac female (Noah's Pals)
Forest Buffalo
Banded Duiker
Serow (Kaiyodo)
Sable Antelope


PV marine mammals

Hooded Seal
Steller's Sea Lion (Colorata)
Amazon River Dolphin
Bowhead Whale
Commerson's Dolphin
Steller's Sea Cow
Spotted Seal (Colorata)
Seal (maker unknown)
Hubb's Beaked Whale
Humpback Dolphin


PV Bats

Bat (Schleich)
Spotted Bat
assorted bats (make unknown)
Horseshoe Bat
Leafnose Bat
Vampire Bat
Egyptian Fruit Bat
Wrinkle-face Bat


PV various

Giant Armadillo (Safari)
Toolache Wallaby
Kinkajou pair (Noah's Pals)


PV insects

Golden Northern Bumble Bee
Sandhill Hornet
Thorn Bug
Madagascar Cockroach (KM)
Regent Green Metallic Bee
Velvet Ant
Tarantula Hawk
Assassin Bug
Bush Cricket
Praying Mantis
Centipede (Safari)


PV spiders

Wolf Spider
Brown Tarantula (Safari)
Green Lynx
Funnel Web
Mexican Red Leg Tarantula
Indian Ornamental Tarantula
Red Widow
Spitting Spider
Crab Spider
Costa Rican Zebra Tarantula
Crab Spider
Black Widow
Raft Spider
Yellow Argiope
Yellow Garden? Spider


PV beetles

Macrodontia beetle
South African Longhorn beetle
Goliath beetle
Jumnos ruckeri
Fungus beetle
Eupholus weevil
Woodboring beetle
Carrion beetle


PV sea stars

Edmonds sea star
Rose sea star
Necklace sea star
Icon sea star
Ocellate sea star
Purple Sun star
Blue sea star
Spiny Sun star


awesome collection dinocat. do you have PV prehistoric animals?


Wow, what an impressive PV collection, dinocat62! :o 8) I've never seen the PV beetles before. And they even made Jumnos ruckeri? I had them in culture some 13 years or so ago. Colours don't match exactly but the four yellow spots are there. :D


These are lovely models. Not sure why hyenas are classified as canids, though. Hyenas (although they superficially look very wolf like) are NOT canines, nor are they related to them at all, and are a separate group all by themselves. Was that a mistake on the manufacturer's part?

They came flying from far away, now I'm under their spell....


Quote from: dinocat62 on January 29, 2013, 11:27:52 PM
PV salamanders

the bottom 3 on the right are:

Spotted Salamander
Long-tailed Salamander
Eastern Long-tailed Salamander

The rest are Safari

Dinocat62, you do our Forum a great service by posting your Play Visions photos.  I will revisit these many times.  I would like to know your secret for finding so many rare animals.  One typo: the Eastern long-tailed salamander should read E. long-toed salamander.


Red salamander is my favorite . Congrats again  ^-^.
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Quote from: tyrantqueen on January 30, 2013, 01:07:04 PM
These are lovely models. Not sure why hyenas are classified as canids, though. Hyenas (although they superficially look very wolf like) are NOT canines, nor are they related to them at all, and are a separate group all by themselves. Was that a mistake on the manufacturer's part?

No, it wouldn't have been a mistake--PV just wanted to include a hyena, so they did. The sets were rarely as much about taxonomy as just being cool! I didn't complain, it was my first striped hyena figure (I of course have several now).

I am guessing that the real problem is that there aren't enough hyenas to make their own set; but the cat set was full enough; and the civets and mongooses (not to speak of some of the 'creative' paint choices in that set) don't look similar enough that the set would look right. So the hyena stuck with the dogs.

But hey, if David Attenborough can refer to hyenas as 'canids' in Life of Mammals, it would seem that their classification is more mysterious than we would expect.


Quote from: sbell on January 30, 2013, 01:31:05 PM
Quote from: tyrantqueen on January 30, 2013, 01:07:04 PM
These are lovely models. Not sure why hyenas are classified as canids, though. Hyenas (although they superficially look very wolf like) are NOT canines, nor are they related to them at all, and are a separate group all by themselves. Was that a mistake on the manufacturer's part?

No, it wouldn't have been a mistake--PV just wanted to include a hyena, so they did. The sets were rarely as much about taxonomy as just being cool! I didn't complain, it was my first striped hyena figure (I of course have several now).

I am guessing that the real problem is that there aren't enough hyenas to make their own set; but the cat set was full enough; and the civets and mongooses (not to speak of some of the 'creative' paint choices in that set) don't look similar enough that the set would look right. So the hyena stuck with the dogs.

But hey, if David Attenborough can refer to hyenas as 'canids' in Life of Mammals, it would seem that their classification is more mysterious than we would expect.
That's really surprising that Attenborough would make such a novice mistake :/

They came flying from far away, now I'm under their spell....


Quote from: sauroid on January 30, 2013, 05:28:53 AM
awesome collection dinocat. do you have PV prehistoric animals?

Yes, most of the reptiles and amphibians, and the bigger Palorchestes and Uintatherium.


Thanks everyone for the kind words. I've collected these since the late 80's in stores and museum shops all over the US. Most could be had for 25 cents, at most $1. Now I buy everything online!



Quote from: tyrantqueen on January 30, 2013, 08:01:03 PM
Quote from: sbell on January 30, 2013, 01:31:05 PM
Quote from: tyrantqueen on January 30, 2013, 01:07:04 PM
These are lovely models. Not sure why hyenas are classified as canids, though. Hyenas (although they superficially look very wolf like) are NOT canines, nor are they related to them at all, and are a separate group all by themselves. Was that a mistake on the manufacturer's part?

No, it wouldn't have been a mistake--PV just wanted to include a hyena, so they did. The sets were rarely as much about taxonomy as just being cool! I didn't complain, it was my first striped hyena figure (I of course have several now).

I am guessing that the real problem is that there aren't enough hyenas to make their own set; but the cat set was full enough; and the civets and mongooses (not to speak of some of the 'creative' paint choices in that set) don't look similar enough that the set would look right. So the hyena stuck with the dogs.

But hey, if David Attenborough can refer to hyenas as 'canids' in Life of Mammals, it would seem that their classification is more mysterious than we would expect.
That's really surprising that Attenborough would make such a novice mistake :/

I know! I was so mad when I heard that!