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Mysticeti - Baleen whales (or was it whales with a moustache?)

Started by brontodocus, December 12, 2012, 11:02:48 AM

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What a lovely figure! Congratulations and thank You for walk around!! :)


Thanks, Ana! :) It's always a pleasure to see it when I take it out of its box (I have to stow it away due to space problems most of the time).


Quote from: brontodocus on January 01, 2013, 03:46:50 PM
Thanks, Ana! :) It's always a pleasure to see it when I take it out of its box (I have to stow it away due to space problems most of the time).

I think the same that Ana. You are a lucky person.
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


My favourite whale and next to the Goliath Frog my favourite figure from the Kaiyodo Red Data Animals: The Bowhead Whale, Balaena mysticetus Linnaeus, 1758. Total  length is 87 mm, scale approx. 1:140 - 1:230.

Edit 2017-02-06: Fixed broken image urls.


Looks like they made the upper jaw appropriately narrow, something I think a lot of other companies miss. :))


Amazing figure, in Spain the name of this animal is Greenlad whale "Ballena de Groenlandia".
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Wonderful model :D Congratulations for having it and for sharing great photos :)


Thanks, Varanus, Jetoar & Ana! :)
Quote from: Varanus on January 03, 2013, 01:38:56 AM
Looks like they made the upper jaw appropriately narrow, something I think a lot of other companies miss. :))
Exactly, and there are so few good balaenids made... :( The only other Balaena mysticetus figure I know is from Play Visions but it has an upper jaw that is much too wide... :-\ Maybe Maia & Borges should make one, their 2012 Right Whale is excellent! :)
Quote from: Jetoar on January 03, 2013, 09:17:44 AM
Amazing figure, in Spain the name of this animal is Greenlad whale "Ballena de Groenlandia".
Similarly in German it's "Grönlandwal" with the same meaning. :)


I dont know the name in german  ^-^. Thanks friend  ^-^.
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Walk-around of the Colorata Marine Mammals DX (North Pacific) Right Whale, Eubalaena japonica (Lacépède, 1818). Length is 114 mm, so the scale is between approx. 1:130 and 1:160.

Edit 2017-02-06: Fixed broken image urls.


Wow that's great detail!  They even put a big tongue in there! ;D


My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Walk-around of the AAA (North Atlantic?) Right Whale, Eubalaena cf. glacialis (Müller, 1776). Despite its wrong colouration with a greenish gray back and a white underside the sculpt is actually quite good (the Maia & Borges 2012 Right Whale is better, though). Length is approx. 208 mm, scale approx. 1:53 - 1:89. Human figure is 1:72 scale. The torsion in the tail looks a little strange to me.

Edit 2017-02-06: Fixed broken image urls.


I have this figure with other colors, I will share images of this figure  ^-^. Congrats for the walk around.
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Thanks, Jetoar! :) It would be interesting to see your AAA Right Whale, too. Does it match the real animal closer in colouration?


Quote from: brontodocus on January 12, 2013, 09:57:28 PM
Thanks, Jetoar! :) It would be interesting to see your AAA Right Whale, too. Does it match the real animal closer in colouration?

I think that yes because he is not dark green, he is dark grey and his protuberances are oranged yellow and the color of his mouth is red and his beard are yellow. I am not at home, but I remember the colors, because he is the firts figure of AAA of my collection  ^-^.
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


The position of the tail almost looks painful!  A nicely detailed figure though. :)


Walk-around of the Maia & Borges Marine Animals (?North Atlantic) Right Whale, Eubalaena cf. glacialis (Müller, 1776). Total length is 140 mm, scale approx. 1:87 - 1:130. My favourite non-japanese figure of a balaenid whale. With the exception of the somewhat oddly shaped tail peduncle (it's too wide and those dorsolateral ridges shouldn't be there) it's a really accurate figure. :)

Edit 2017-02-07: Fixed broken image urls.


Nice figure, although the barnacles kind of look like it has scrambled egg stuck to its face :o

They came flying from far away, now I'm under their spell....


Quote from: tyrantqueen on January 23, 2013, 03:33:41 AM
Nice figure, although the barnacles kind of look like it has scrambled egg stuck to its face :o
A little so, yes, probably. But that could be said about the Colorata DX North Pacific Right Whale, too. Okay, don't anybody dare to grind pepper over my figure and trying to bite a chunk out of it! >:( ;D