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New Animal Word Game

Started by bmathison1972, January 13, 2024, 04:23:43 PM

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I came up with an idea for a word game while playing Wordscapes on my phone. Essentially, a word will be shown and participants must come up with as many animal names as they can using the letters in the word.

For example, in the word ESCROWE, one can make 'crow', 'cow', 'roe', and 'ewe'.

Here are the basic rules:

1. A word will be chosen (see below for criteria)
2. participants will list as many animal names (see below for criteria) that they can make from that word
3. whomever comes up with the most names gets to chose the next word
4. If two more more people come up with the same number, whoever posted the most names first will be the winner
5. in order to be fair, once a list of words is submitted, one cannot edit their submission. That way, if someone misses a word, and someone else comes up with it, the first person cannot go back and edit their first post. Keep in mind, edits are shown publicly on each post, so I would suggest not submitting choices until you think you have come up with every possible word! Posts that appear to be edited will not be counted  C:-)

Criteria for the word:
1. The word must be at at least six letters long
2. The word can be singular or plural
3. The word must be a single word, without hyphens or other punctuation
4. The word should be an English word, or used in English vernacular (American or British spellings are fine)
5. The word can not be the name or surname of a person, real or fictional, but can be the proper name of a real place (eg Alabama, Greenland) or peoples (eg, Romans, Apache), but not fictional (eg, Erebor, Tatooine)
6. The word itself can not be an animal name
7. The person who choses the word can participate

Criteria for coming up with animal names:
1. Can be a common English one-word name or a Latin genus
2. must be a real animal (no fictional creatures or cryptids)
3. If a common name, it must be a common name in widespread, familiar use (e.g., no esoteric local slang terms or obscure alternate spellings)
4. Can also be stages for animals (e.g., 'larva', 'chick', 'lamb', etc.) but not animal parts (e.g., fins, horns, eggs etc.)
5. It can be a broad term (e.g., bird, fish, arachnid)
6. If singular and plural names can be made (e.g., 'crow' and 'crows'), only one will count.

OK, let's see how this game works! LOL. Maybe it will be a flop, maybe it will be fun.

I will start us off with the word: CARPENTRY

NSD Bashe

Carp, cat, ant, rat, ray, ape, tern, crane


I got 9:
1. carp
2. cat
3. rat
4. ant
5. ray
6. tern
7. ape
8. crane
9. Perca (genus of fish)


Can you use each letter only once? e.g. in this case would it be forbidden to use the "a" twice as in "canary"?


Quote from: bmathison1972 on January 13, 2024, 09:22:13 PM9. Perca (genus of fish)

It's valid to use scientific names or any other name in non-English language??


Quote from: AnimalToyForum on January 14, 2024, 02:24:01 AMCan you use each letter only once? e.g. in this case would it be forbidden to use the "a" twice as in "canary"?

yes, each letter only once

Quote from: Isidro on January 14, 2024, 06:14:50 AM
Quote from: bmathison1972 on January 13, 2024, 09:22:13 PM9. Perca (genus of fish)

It's valid to use scientific names or any other name in non-English language??

Read rule 1 under 'Criteria for coming up with animal names'


Quote from: bmathison1972 on January 14, 2024, 01:06:43 PM
Quote from: AnimalToyForum on January 14, 2024, 02:24:01 AMCan you use each letter only once? e.g. in this case would it be forbidden to use the "a" twice as in "canary"?

yes, each letter only once

Damn, that rules out peccary and carpenter ant then ;)


Then I got 9 as well.

1. carp
2. cat
3. rat
4. ant
5. ray
6. tern
7. ape
8. crane
9. Pan


Ooo the plot thickens. See, there is some strategy here as now people who haven't posted see others' lists.


Quote from: bmathison1972 on January 14, 2024, 01:54:22 PMOoo the plot thickens. See, there is some strategy here as now people who haven't posted see others' lists.

I could've pinched Perca for ten but there's no way I would've got that using my own volition.