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Toymany toy sets!

Started by Saarlooswolfhound, July 26, 2023, 04:12:28 AM

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Hello friends! *Admins, I think this is the right place for this topic, if not feel free to relocate it!*

Earlier this year a new brand started popping up on my Amazon searches. Toymany appears to be a Asian brand that is up and coming. Right now the majority of their products are "bootlegs" or otherwise copies of other brands sculpts; perhaps vaguely altered such as in paint scheme, but otherwise largely an exact replica. However, around the beginning of 2023 they started showing what I believe are unique sculpts.

Every couple of weeks they seem to come out with a new set of figures. So far they have a couple sets of puppies, cats, and some wild animals. I started out sampling their sets out of curiosity, they are very affordable and offered young animals for my collection (the different dog breed puppies) amongst other items of intrigue. I have been very impressed. The sculpts themselves are really well done, nice durable plastic, it is the painting that lets them down sometimes. On the one hand, it appears to show some great control for different patterns, but the colors on some models are a bit off, and on occasion the application can be a miss. BUT I have really enjoyed these sets so far and have stuck to supporting them as encouragement to continue. I hope they keep up the good work of present new breeds, species, postures, and great quality models for collectors! And perhaps they will appeal to others here also. So let us begin. :)

The first set I got was this Arctic animals set *Ignore the larger dogs, my collection is hard to access and I didn't want to have to hunt them down to retake it ;)* These are approximately the size of a Safari Toob model and the some of the mammals will be presented in my The Curious Compendium topic later on for you to see.

As you can see, the species are mostly common that you can get bigger versions of. For many, the lemming was the highlight! I categorize it as a Norwegian lemming.

After that I got an Eyscota and Toymany set of pups. The group on the platform are Eyscota (won't be discussed further here) and the lower group of the Toymany. You can see these breeds are painted to represent: Bernese mountain dog, great dane/dalmatian, golden retriever, pug, labrador/American pitbull terrier, a boxer, and another great dane. These sculpts don't all represent the breeds accurately, and some of them are generic enough in characteristics that they appear to be very young pups; ones that would not really be standing let alone walking.

Next is the other puppy set! These are an improvement over the others. Really great sculpts and color choice. These are breeds that are not so common: French bulldog, chihuahua, spaniel (they say cocker, but they could pass as several breeds), shiba inu, schnauzer, and labrador.

Then I got one of two cat sets available. Another member on STS presented the first set so I opted for the other to show collector friends and it had the more unique breeds in it.

You can see that these not only have very unique postures but a few are specific breeds. One is a Japanese max and another a bengal. The "common" domestic shorthair cats make up for it in great sculpts, paint patterns, and detail. They are a bit bigger than the new Schleich cats, but older than the early 2000s series... somewhere in between. I still need to get the other cat set and it will be presented when I do.

I was SO excited when they made wolves! *Lots of photos, sorry* Great sculpts, not a detailed pattern for paint but nice colors. My only complaint would be the color of their eyes (blue for the white wolves).

Twin families

Walking adult Toymany V Bullyland generation 2 and 3, CollectA, and Safari ( :P )

V Mojo gen 2 and 1, Papo North Am. gray and European grey

V Schleich gen 2, 3, 4

Toymany walking white adult V Papo, Schleich, Safari

Pup edition: Schleich gen 4, 2, Bully gen 3, Mojo ( :P ), Papo N. Am. gray and Eur. grey, Bully gen 2

white pups: Papo and Schleich

Puppy preschool

And a super-pack

And now, the most recent arrivals. Part one of two are the big cat cubs. Lions, tigers, and leopards/jaguars in 2 variable colors. I actually like the sculpts a lot, they aren't tiny babies but aren't adolescents either, they are a good age for cubs and reflect that in their proportions (long ears, short compact legs, etc.). My only complaint here is some of the paintwork.

This little cub was touched before he was dry and his stripes got smeared... I was disappointed at first and still may buy another set for customization/in the hopes to get a nicer finished one BUT this could pass a case of melanism... I may paint him darker to match.

And last but not least! (for now...) an Australian animal set of Kangaroos and Koalas. Unlike their Arctic set, these are more akin to standard size figures.

The roos appear to be all male, two juveniles and one adult. The underside of the lying down roo is sculpted fur, NOT just flat. The Koalas I 100% thought were sculpted to the tree as the Amazon photos don't show them separate, but not only are they distinct pieces in unique postures (albeit meant for the tree piece), the large koala also can hang onto a branch for display!

These are all the sets I have so far but there are others I haven't gotten just yet. Check them out!


Cat set #1!


And hopefully more to come. :D


A quick Google search of this company and it seems that a lot of their figures are just dupes from Papo, Schleich, Safari LTD, Mojo, CollectA, and many others


Yes, I mention this at the beginning of the original post. They appear to have started off as just another bootlegger, but they are now introducing more and more unique models. I don't think I have seen a new product launch recently of a set of copies but I could be mistaken.



they have a set of sea animals and I'm intrigued to see a pretty decent Blue spotted ray in a small scale. However, I'm ABIT skeptical as the reviews show an older set with mostly bootleg Toob and Colorata figures so I'll hold my breath on this


Amazon is almost entirely full of Chinese bootlegs. Have been for a while. They're starting to saturate eBay and other places too.
I like turtles.


The blue spotted ray does look okay from the picture. I don't know the scaling, but from what I can tell is not exactly like all the stuff from AliExpress



a set of sharks with many lesser made species

they all looked to be unique


the sawshark is very interesting, especially if it's an original sculpt


Quote from: bmathison1972 on August 15, 2023, 02:27:14 PMthe sawshark is very interesting, especially if it's an original sculpt

they all are though the Mako feels more like an improved collectA version


I went head and ordered the whole set, since it was only like $11. I might actually review the entire set for next year's Shark Week (I'll just have to safely stash the ones I don't keep somewhere LOL).


Glad it was of interest to you Blaine! I wasn't sure if it was a unique set or not, but its on my list now that someone more familiar with shark sculpts feels like they are unique sculpts.




Quote from: bmathison1972 on August 15, 2023, 04:01:38 PMthe ray seems well done!

worth to get the entire lot for! there's some anatomical errors like the mouth and gills but other than that, it's a great little figure and an original sculpt!


The tail seems a bit short but maybe that is because of the positioning?


Oh what a lovely ray my friend! Now I need that set too.  :-[  ::)


Quote from: Saarlooswolfhound on August 15, 2023, 05:18:50 PMOh what a lovely ray my friend! Now I need that set too.  :-[  ::)

I got that set, too, for the ray! LOL. The sets are very cheap for what  you get in them!

I'll give all the extras to one of my co-workers who has a young kid.

Alopias superciliosus

Quote from: JimoAi on August 15, 2023, 12:25:54 PM
a set of sharks with many lesser made species

they all looked to be unique

Thanks for flagging this, ordered a set! Should be here tomorrow, interested to see the quality of Toymany figures in hand, though from what I've seen from @Saarlooswolfhound , they look pretty decent!  ^-^

I think I'll use their "hammerhead" as a Scoophead or Scalloped Bonnethead to extend my synoptic collection, it definitely has a more "shovel" shape to its head which is a welcome diversion from the endless "hammer" shaped models vaguely based off of Scalloped, Great, and Smooth Hammerheads.

The saw shark is lovely, I'll have to do my best and assign a species to it once it's in hand. It's definitely a saw shark and not a saw fish, even though they missed out on the barbels.

And the baby Brown Banded Bamboo Shark is so cute! Just a little disappointed that the Brown Banded Bamboo Shark is still the only bamboo shark species to ever get figures made (I think there's three now, all of juveniles)... I'll get my Epaulette Shark one day, hopefully  :'(


Quote from: Alopias superciliosus on August 15, 2023, 10:40:06 PM
Quote from: JimoAi on August 15, 2023, 12:25:54 PM
a set of sharks with many lesser made species

they all looked to be unique

I think I'll use their "hammerhead" as a Scoophead or Scalloped Bonnethead to extend my synoptic collection, it definitely has a more "shovel" shape to its head which is a welcome diversion from the endless "hammer" shaped models vaguely based off of Scalloped, Great, and Smooth Hammerheads.

It's definitely a Bonnethead or Scoophead. I'm leaning toward the former, but it is not a stretch to use it as a Scoophead!  You'll have to let us know if it's missing its anal fin, though, as it is in some of the pictures.


I like that ray, and a few sharks. Interested to see if they hold up.

Would be nice to not have to get full sets...