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The Curious Compendium 2023: Great danes!

Started by Saarlooswolfhound, April 30, 2023, 06:33:48 AM

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I have the Malaysian Horned Frog. Not sure the brand, but it's not genuine.

Did you already post the Golden Poison Dart Frogs?


I only have one and it was presented in this photo.

If the Malaysian is the same sculpt as mine, its originally a Colorata.


Oh snap just one? I forgot which brand I have, but it's my favorite of the dart frogs.


There are only a few ID'd as this species on TAW. But yes, I only have the one. :)


Red-eyed tree frogs!

Frogs have developed lots of creative ways to communicate, but male red-eyed tree frogs will shake their bodies to create vibrations that travel up to 2 meters on whatever foliage they are on. This will communicate to other males that this territory is taken and to move on.


several good options. I had the Yujin version but swapped it out for Colorata's. The Safari (both) and Papo are nice, too!


There are lots of good models out there. :) And I am sure they will keep coming as this is perhaps the most easily recognized frog out there.

More tree frogs!

Probably unsurprisingly, the Amazon milk frog is named because it can secrete a milk like substance from its skin; this is used as a defense mechanism as it is toxic to many animals!


Narrow-mouthed frogs!

For corroboree frogs it was so hard to pick facts... but these are the ones I found most interesting. For one they do not have webbed toes like nearly all other frogs. And two, it is believed that they can produce their poisonous alkaloids on their OWN rather from their diet like other poisonous frogs! Further, they are critically endangered due to a number of factors like chytrid fungus, habitat loss, invasive plants, etc.


More mixed frogs! Mantellidae!

They are distant relatives of the dart frogs, and upon first discovery many mantella frogs were thought to be poison dart frogs. Some species do have toxins just like PDFs, but others mimic the poisonous advertising colors to avoid predation.


American Bullfrogs!

These guys surprised me with their longevity; they can live up to 6-8 years in the wild! They also, as you might have guessed, excellent jumpers. They can jump 6 feet/2 meters, or about 10 times their own body length!


I had a pet bullfrog that died this past summer, he was about 7 years old. Such a cool pet, he would eat out of my hand. He would occasionally try to eat my fingers too. His name was Jeremiah. There's a picture of him on the blog with the Safari IC bullfrog.


That is a great name, and he was a very handsome frog! Thank you for sharing him with me, he will be immortalized on the blog. That is quite the honor for him.


Quote from: Saarlooswolfhound on January 30, 2024, 11:29:30 PMThat is a great name, and he was a very handsome frog! Thank you for sharing him with me, he will be immortalized on the blog. That is quite the honor for him.

Well, it's not a very original name, but thanks!


That's ok, I still think that's a good name for such a bullfrog. :)

Leopard frog and Ishikawa's frog!

Ishikawa's frog evidently had no recorded closely related species. Scientists are unsure if this means that their relatives have already gone extinct or if this species evolved in such isolation that its difficult to trace back its origins. Who would have thought such a little frog would present such a conundrum!


Do you have the Yowies Gummies 'African clawed frog'? If so, might as well include that with leopard frogs, as it sure as heck is not a clawed frog  ;)   C:-)  8)


I have pet leopard frogs too. The tadpoles came in accidentally with a shipment of feeder fish at my local pet store. Some of them have outlived the bullfrog. The remaining three I have are about 10 years old now. They eat from my hand too.  ^-^


I do not have that model Blaine, but I agree the coloration looks like a leopard frog.

That is also neat Gwangi! It sounds like you have a veritable zoo on your hands. I have some fond memories with Northern Leopard frogs when I was kid. That's neat that they have lived so long in your care and are so friendly having been raised since tadpoles.


it's not just the color. The shape of the head and placement of the eyes and bone structure of the hind legs. the Yowie 'clawed frog' is morphologically not a clawed frog at all (there were a few blatant misidentifications in that set). Leopard frogs are popular in the pet trade, and pets/domestics were the theme of the Yowie set, interestingly enough.


Quote from: Saarlooswolfhound on January 31, 2024, 07:27:17 PMI do not have that model Blaine, but I agree the coloration looks like a leopard frog.

That is also neat Gwangi! It sounds like you have a veritable zoo on your hands. I have some fond memories with Northern Leopard frogs when I was kid. That's neat that they have lived so long in your care and are so friendly having been raised since tadpoles.

Yes, I have a decent assortment of animals, mostly reptiles. In the past it was fishes but a big move 6 years ago forced me to rehome my fish.

Originally I had 9 leopard frogs, southern leopard frogs specifically, but now it is just the 3. Over the last couple of years they've been dying off. Sad, but that's how it goes. They generally live 5-10 years. When they were in their prime they would even breed, I loved hearing them sing. Aside from them the only other frogs I have are firebelly toads. I had a lot more in the past but rarely acquire new animals since becoming a parent.

Quoteit's not just the color. The shape of the head and placement of the eyes and bone structure of the hind legs. the Yowie 'clawed frog' is morphologically not a clawed frog at all (there were a few blatant misidentifications in that set). Leopard frogs are popular in the pet trade, and pets/domestics were the theme of the Yowie set, interestingly enough.

Clawed frogs are far more common in the pet trade than leopard frogs. Most of pets stores I've been to have them. When I was a kid I got a clawed frog through the mail. I've seen the mold for that Yowie one before. My daughter has a yellow one and a green striped one.


I didn't realize any of these were so popular as pets. I usually only see things like milk frogs and some other smaller species I don't remember at the moment.

More mixed frogs!

To address the Pacific glass frog... males gaurd the eggs until they hatch! They actually go the extent of fighting back against would-be predators of the eggs like wasps.