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The Curious Compendium 2023: First of the cats!

Started by Saarlooswolfhound, April 30, 2023, 06:33:48 AM

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I wouldn't mind a red wolf in my collection; any good ones specifically marketed as such or are these all customs? Do I see a Safari coyote hidden in there?  ;)


These red wolf models are all difficult to find or are a custom figure. Top to bottom and left to right: unknown, K&M AZA adult and pup (I am missing the other pup), k&m tube, custom Safari coyote (good eye!), and the Joy city Ltd tube model.

Maybe some day we will see more examples of wolf species or types instead of the same generic "gray wolf"... but that does sell well so its doubtful.


Wisents are next!

Another species thay suffered a near extinction they are now enjoying recovery progress. There is an estimated 3200 bison in the wild. It is thought that the wisent evolved from hybridization between the now extinct aurochs and steppe bison.


I have the Schleich wisent. The Bullyland one, which I do like a little better, has showed up on eBay perdiodically but I haven't gotten it yet. I figure it's only a matter of time before a company makes an updated version.


I stumbled across the Schleich wisent awhile ago but did not buy.


Schleich wisent can be found second handed.
I have the Signatus one, handmade and retired long ago. I bought it second handed from a forum member, but it arrived with a ear and horn pulverized. I had to do my best to fix it.


Arctic wolves!

One of my favorite fact for these animals is that they have a unique mechanism to retain heat. It is called vasoconstriction; put simply they can constrict their veins in their extremeties to reduce heat loss. Their abdomen is covered in woolly hair to retain heat, but on their legs it is shorter. Because of this they constrict the veins going down to their paws which reduces heat transfer of warm blood. This in turn means that blood leaving the body trunk and going to the feet cools while blood coming back up to tye trunk warms up. In this way it greatly reduces the body heat loss in their extreme climate. Many arctic animals do this, but arctic wolves are some of the best at it according to thermal camera studies.


And now as a shameless plug... here is my first ATB article on my favorite model. It will be joined by another arctic wolf article soon!


Safari is mine! It's hard to beat in that scale. There is a Safari-like one next to the Safari version. Did you customize one of them?


I have 2 Safaris, slightly different variations.


Safari's is the easy standout here. It's also the one on my lengthy wishlist.


I can't recommend the Safari figure enough! It is THE best wolf model out there I think, right next to their new gray wolf IMO. The papo is nice too, but rather static and rather large for an Arctic.

Anyway, this isn't a collection update but rather for my website. Had some issues with the mobile version of the website (it was all sorts of janky) but it is now fixed!!! I apologize for any inconvenience in viewing; specifically, the South American Mammal page is now corrected. I always recommend using the desktop version even if you are on a mobile device (you should be able to toggle that option in the page settings on your device) but the mobile display is working correctly now. :)

NSD Bashe

I have the Safari one but a little more dark version


The Safari Arctic wolf is my favorite, too. I did get a Christmas ornament a few years ago that resembles the Schleich standing one. I don't remember where I got it. I want to say Hobby Lobby (my town did not have any other art supply store).


Rocky Mountain Elk!

Elk bugling is done not only through their mouths but with their nostrils also! Both together make the unique howling pitches. To some degree... elk can count! In this instance, studies have shown that if presented with the choice between bulls to mate with, a cow will always choose the bull with more points on their rack!


I really hope Safari releases an updated elk in their smaller size, their new IC release looks superb, but far too big.
Bluestem Zoo | Collector of mainly late Pleistocene-Holocene animal figures | Come visit my zoo! | THIS HOBBY NEEDS MORE RECENTLY-EXTINCT SPECIES!!


I have the newer WS elk, which I think is the one in the very upper left.

We had lots of elk down in the city this past winter due to record snow. They were crossing freeways and blocking traffic! I saw them while birding much lower than usual!


The Safari one is the obvious one to get and it's the one I have on my wish list. It's surprising that other companies like Mojo, CollectA, Schleich, and Papo haven't made an elk but I guess they tend to focus more on European wildlife and favor the red deer.

No elk where I live but there are some in nearby Pennsylvania. What we do have locally are large population of non-native sika deer, which are a small species of elk. I like them a lot and really wish we would get a proper figure of one. Still waiting to hear news about PNSO's latest batch of animals, which includes a sika deer.


Safari is the only big brand to even attempt an elk, let alone both that and a red deer. I sincerely hope for a cow and calf someday to go with their bull.


I want my elk figure to be in a bugling pose. SafariLtd is probably the best but it's a hair large for my taste. The newer one is even larger!