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Best figures for each brand / best brand for each species

Started by La Extincion, November 06, 2022, 12:40:21 PM

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La Extincion

Hello everyone! I own a small animal toy store in Spain and I'm interested in your opinions about what are the best / indispensable figures currently in production for each major brand (Safari, Papo, CollectA, Schleich...). Also, what brand makes the best figure of a taxon (the best polar bear, the best dragonfly, etc.)

I know this kind of opinions are scattered on the forum, but I wonder if there are already specific threads I couldn't find about these questions, or maybe we can start them. Thanks!


In my synoptic collection I try to get only the best representative of each species, so even if it's subject to my personal taste, this answer more or less your question about best brand for each species. My collection of branded ones currently consist of:

-Adelie's penguin: Kaiyodo
-African buffalo: Mojo. Schleich is nice too. If you want a buffalo on steroids, then Papo
-African civet: CollectA
-African elephant: Bullyland is quite good and decently sized, but of course there is too many models to choose on such an iconic species
-African wild ass: CollectA
-African wild dog: Safari
-Alaskan king crab: Kaiyodo
-Alligator gar: Colorata
-Alligator snapping turtle: Eikoh
-Arctic fox: Schleich. But Papo is very nice too. Safari is good but much bigger
-Asian arowana: Colorata
-Asian black bear: Bullyland. But Safari one is nice and smaller. Only the paintjob is a bit odd
-Atlantic white-sided dolphin: Safari
-Australian lungfish: Colorata
-Babirusa: CollectA. In my opinion, better than Safari
-Baird's tapir: CollectA
-Bald eagle: Colorata, probably a bad choice, but I like the wing curvature. If you don't care sizes, Naturalism recenty releasted a perfect one
-Barbary sheep: CollectA
-Bastard halibut: Colorata
-Beluga: PNSO
-Bigeye thresher shark: Safari
-Black rhinoceros: Papo. But Schleich and charging Safari ones are nice too
-Black wildebeest: CollectA
-Black-backed jackal: CollectA
-Black-browed albatross: Papo
-Blackbuck: CollectA
-Blainville's beaked whale: CollectA
-Blue shark: Safari. But Maia & Borges also is quite good
-Bluefin tuna: Colorata
-Bongo: CollectA
-Bowhead whale: CollectA. The eyes of the Safari one are weird
-Bowmouth guitarfish: Schleich
-California condor: Safari
-Chambered nautilus: Kaiyodo
-Cheetah: Schleich. But the two Papo ones are quite good too, especially the mother with mouth slightly open
-Chinese sturgeon: Colorata
-Chinstrap penguin: Safari (toob)
-Clouded leopard: Safari
-Colossal squid: Ikimon/Kitan Club
-Common boa: Colorata
-Common boar: Safari. I just admire the fur texture and the eye expression, leg position, muzzle... all is perfect in this wild boar. There are many perfect domestic pig figurines too.
-Common chameleon: Safari (Good luck minis)
-Common dolphinfish: Colorata
-Common genet: Nayab
-Common hippopotamus: CollectA. Tied with Papo
-Common leopard: Schleich
-Common octopus: Safari (Good luck minis). Maybe a not so good choice
-Common warthog: PNSO. Finish is not very good but size, proportions, very dynamic position and upright tail are wonderful
-Common wolf: endless figures to choose, and even more endless if you include domestic dogs. I ended acquiring Schleich howling wolf. Safari arctic wolf is much admired. Unbeatable dog figurines of several breeds done by many brands
-Common wombat: CollectA
-Comores coelacanth: Ikimon/Kitan Club
-Cookiecutter shark: Colorata
-Copper pheasant: Ikimon/Kitan Club
-Corsican mouflon: CollectA. But Schleich is also good
-Cougar: Papo
-Dama gazelle: CollectA
-Diana monkey: CollectA
-Dingo: Southland replicas
-Dorado: Kaiyodo
-Double-wattled cassowary: Safari
-Dromedary: Papo. But Schleich is equally good
-Dugong: CollectA
-Electric eel: Kaiyodo
-Elephant seal: Papo. Quite small for such a titanic animal, but much better than the bigger Mojo
-Eurasian lynx: Papo
-European bison: Bullyland. But retired Schleich is equally good
-European fallow deer: CollectA
-False kelpfish: Colorata
-Fennec fox: CollectA. But the Safari recent desert TOOB one must be quite good. Eikoh also, and smaller than CollectA
-Finless porpoise: CBIOV
-Frilled shark: Ikimon/Kitan Club. Absolutely unbeatable
-Galapagos giant tortoise: CollectA
-Galapagos land iguana: Kaiyodo
-Ganges river dolphin: CollectA
-Gaur: Mojo
-Gemsbok: Schleich
-Gharial: Papo
-Giant anteater: Papo. If you don't mind two individuals in one figure (mother carrying a baby), then Safari
-Giant eland: CollectA
-Giant panda: Schleich
-Giant pangolin: Schleich
-Giant squid: Safari
-Giraffe: CollectA. Mojo and Papo have quite good giraffes too
-Golden eagle: Colorata, but probably Kaiyodo and recent Mojo are better
-Great barracuda: Kaiyodo
-Great cormorant: Papo
-Great white shark: Schleich. But tied with Safari. Honestly there are so many figures of this species that is difficult to choose
-Grevy's zebra: CollectA
-Grey whale: Scheich
-Harp seal: Safari
-Harpy eagle: Colorata. But recent Amazonas TOOB Safari one is quite good too. Both are subdued by the magnific but humongous Naturalism one tough
-Himalayan tahr: CollectA
-Hirola: CollectA
-Iberian lynx: Mojo. Take care with differently painted versions
-Indian rhinoceros: Safari, but tied with Schleich
-Jaguar: Schleich, but probably Papo is better
-Japanese crested ibis: Takara Tomy. Kayiodo have better ones but bigger
-Japanese flying fish: Colorata
-Japanese giant salamander: Ikimon/Kitan Club. Absolutely unbeatable
-Japanese giant spider crab: Kaiyodo. But several equally good versions by other brands such as Yujin
-Japanese jack mackerel: Colorata
-Killer whale: CollectA. No perfect orca has been made widely available by most brands. CollectA one have a bit too elongated snout, simplistic saddle and oddly shaped flippers. But the high dorsal fin is a bonus. Schleich orcas have better shape but no saddle. Safari LTD is maybe better than both
-King cobra: Eikoh
-Koala: Southland Replicas. CollectA also did a good job
-Largetooth sawfish: CollectA
-Leatherback turtle: Papo
-Lemon shark: Safari
-Leopard cat: Kaiyodo
-Leopard seal: CollectA. But the Safari and Papo ones are quite good too.
-Leopard shark: Safari.But this year Papo released a better one
-Lesser kudu: Safari
-Long-nosed lancetfish: Kaiyodo
-Lowland tapir: Mojo
-Lumholtz's tree kangaroo: Southland Replicas
-Malayan tapir: Safari, but Papo is almost as good. Both retired and almost impossible to get tough
-Mandrill: Schleich (old one)
-Maned wolf: CollectA
-Marine iguana: Kayiodo
-Markhor: CollectA
-Marsupial wolf: CollectA, but Mojo and Southlands are nice too
-Matamata turtle: Yujin
-Megamouth shark: Safari
-Minke whale: CollectA
-Mountain goat: Schleich
-Mountain nyala: CollectA
-Musk ox: CollectA
-Nilghai: CollectA
-Northern right whale: Safari
-Oarfish: Ikimon/Kitan Club
-Oceanic sunfish: Colorata
-Ocelot: Papo
-Okapi: Papo. A bit controversial and indeed it have very thick legs but I like its head and hues better than other okapi brands
-Opah: Ikimon/Kitan Club
-Pacific chub mackerel: Colorata
-Pacific ridley turtle: Yujin
-Pacific sardine: Colorata
-Pacific saury: Colorata
-Pacific white-sided dolphin: CollectA. The retired Safari is hard to get.
-Pere David's deer: CollectA
-Pirarucu: Colorata
-Platypus: Southland Replicas
-Polar bear: Papo is what managed to get the best polar bear head shapes, both in the standing one and the walking one. Only disadvantage is that the feet soles are unpainted
-Proboscis monkey: Schleich. Mojo have a better paintjob but is bigger
-Pronghorn: Mojo
-Pygmy hippopotamus: CollectA
-Pygmy sperm whale: CollectA
-Quagga: Mojo
-Quokka: Schleich
-Radiated tortoise: Colorata
-Red deer: Collecta, but I think I favour the old Schleich bellowing stag
-Red fox: Papo
-Red kangaroo: better not to mention my brand choice because it was heavily transformed. Southland fighting bull is unbeatable but humongous, the recent CollectA bull scales well with it
-Red river hog: CollectA
-Reindeer: CollectA have antlers to die for but Papo is very nice
-Sable antelope: got CollectA by error when asked for Safari one that is the best in my opinion but retired
-Saddled bichir: Colorata
-Saiga: CollectA
-Saola: CollectA
-Secretarybird: Colorata
-Serval: Kaiyodo
-Shoebill: Kaiyodo
-Short-beaked echidna: Southland Replicas
-Shortfin mako shark: Safari, but the much more dynamic Collecta is equally as good
-Siberian weasel: Ikimon/Kitan Club
-Silver chimaera: Kaiyodo. But Colorata is equally good
-Skipjack tuna: Colorata
-Sloth bear: Schleich
-Snow leopard: Papo
-Sperm whale: CollectA. But Schleich one is quite good too
-Spiny red gurnard: Colorata
-Spotted wobbegong: Schleich
-Springbok: CollectA
-Steller's sea egale: Colorata, but Kaiyodo and the recent Naturalism one are superior
-Strap-toothed whale: Happy Kin
-Striped hyena: CollectA
-Striped marlin: Colorata
-Striped owl: Kaiyodo
-Sulawesi crested macaque: Mojo
-Sumatran rhinoceros: Safari
-Sun bear: Mojo
-Takin: CBIOV
-Tasmanian devil: CollectA, but the Southlands one is as good
-Tibetan antelope: CollectA
-Tibetan sand fox: Natural History
-Tiger: Schleich, but soooo many excess of figures to choose, Papo is especially good with their big cats
-Tiger quoll: Southland replicas
-Vaquita: Safari
-Walrus: Safari
-Wedge-tailed eagle: Science & Nature
-West Indian manatee: Schleich, but Papo is as good
-Western gorilla: Schleich, but too many excellent renditions to choose from many brands
-Western roe deer: Bullyland
-Whale shark: Papo
-White rhinoceros: CollectA
-White-handed gibbon: Schleich, but Papo is as good
-White-tailed deer: CollectA, but Safari is also nice
-White-tailed sea eagle: Kaiyodo
-Whitetip reef shark: Safari
-Wild water buffalo: CollectA
-Wolverine: Schleich
-Yellow goosefish: Eikoh
-Yellowfin tuna: Safari (pelagic toob)
-Zebra shark: CollectA.


I'll participate too!

Ocellaris Clownfish- Kaiyodo Enoshima Aquarium

Blue Hippo Tang- yujin

Napoleon wrasse: v tough one since I own the colorata due to scale but saying the Ikimon is the best one

Moorish Idol: Yujin

Yellow Tang: Kaiyodo Enoshima Aquarium (though it's v hard to decide btwn that or the Yujin one, since the Kaiyodo one comes with a staghorn coral, it takes the W)

Emperor Angelfish: Colorata

Dragon Moray: Kaiyodo

Spotted moray: Yujin

Ocenaic Manta ray: 1991 Monterey bay aquarium figure (the figure could be Abit fatter though it does have a vestigial stinger (could be imperfection in sculpt) but safari got lucky there!)

Bowmouth Guitarfish: CollectA

Clark's Anemonefish : Kaiyodo Enoshima Aquarium

Longspine porcupinefish : Yujin (tough choice as the kaiyodo one is v good too though it's smaller and represents a calmer specimen)

Sloane's viperfish: Kaiyodo

Goblin shark: collectA (even tho it's not out yet, I'm in love with it)

Sand tiger : Safari LTD

Oceanic whitetip: safari ltd

Goliath grouper: Safari ltd Incredible Creatures

Will be updating every now and them


For prehistoric animals and plants, you might find this useful, although it includes out-of-production items:
Where I try to find the best version of every prehistoric species:

NSD Bashe

My personal favorites are most often the deep sea variety.  The CollectA anglerfish and I believe the Safari deep sea TOOB are currently in production, and while these would be great additions I'm afraid many others of my favorite figures are no longer produced and wouldn't be much point in me listing them.  The Safari jellyfish and their lesser known deep sea jellyfish (200429) are also pretty neat.


Quote from: JimoAi on November 07, 2022, 12:14:16 PMNapoleon wrasse: v tough one since I own the colorata due to scale but saying the Ikimon is the best one

For me, the best is Aquameridian one, it's in my wishlist!!

Quote from: JimoAi on November 07, 2022, 12:14:16 PMOcenaic Manta ray: 1991 Monterey bay aquarium figure (the figure could be Abit fatter though it does have a vestigial stinger (could be imperfection in sculpt) but safari got lucky there!)

The Kaiyodo Aquatales polystone manta ray is my personal favourite, I would like to have one :)

Quote from: JimoAi on November 07, 2022, 12:14:16 PMBowmouth Guitarfish: CollectA

I see a disagreement here with my choice, CollectA is a behemoth double larger than Schleich one but probably many collectors don't mind sizes, however, I think the proportions are off, especially in the head


Quote from: Isidro on November 07, 2022, 10:53:38 PM
Quote from: JimoAi on November 07, 2022, 12:14:16 PMNapoleon wrasse: v tough one since I own the colorata due to scale but saying the Ikimon is the best one

For me, the best is Aquameridian one, it's in my wishlist!!

Quote from: JimoAi on November 07, 2022, 12:14:16 PMOcenaic Manta ray: 1991 Monterey bay aquarium figure (the figure could be Abit fatter though it does have a vestigial stinger (could be imperfection in sculpt) but safari got lucky there!)

The Kaiyodo Aquatales polystone manta ray is my personal favourite, I would like to have one :)

Quote from: JimoAi on November 07, 2022, 12:14:16 PMBowmouth Guitarfish: CollectA

I see a disagreement here with my choice, CollectA is a behemoth double larger than Schleich one but probably many collectors don't mind sizes, however, I think the proportions are off, especially in the head
I don't see anything wrong with the guitarfish from collectA. The headshape looks fine


Quote from: JimoAi on November 07, 2022, 11:49:13 PM
Quote from: Isidro on November 07, 2022, 10:53:38 PM
Quote from: JimoAi on November 07, 2022, 12:14:16 PMNapoleon wrasse: v tough one since I own the colorata due to scale but saying the Ikimon is the best one

For me, the best is Aquameridian one, it's in my wishlist!!

Quote from: JimoAi on November 07, 2022, 12:14:16 PMOcenaic Manta ray: 1991 Monterey bay aquarium figure (the figure could be Abit fatter though it does have a vestigial stinger (could be imperfection in sculpt) but safari got lucky there!)

The Kaiyodo Aquatales polystone manta ray is my personal favourite, I would like to have one :)

Quote from: JimoAi on November 07, 2022, 12:14:16 PMBowmouth Guitarfish: CollectA

I see a disagreement here with my choice, CollectA is a behemoth double larger than Schleich one but probably many collectors don't mind sizes, however, I think the proportions are off, especially in the head
I don't see anything wrong with the guitarfish from collectA. The headshape looks fine. The kaiyodo one is a reef manta and I've stated the larger oceanic manta. Also I only included PVC figures


Common octopus: either CollectA or Eikoh. Kaiyodo made one for their aquariums set too.

Ornate octopus: takara tomy arts

Common fangtooth: kaiyodo

Smooth stingray: Safari LTd


In large figures, Bullyland has been improving a lot in recent years, see their Great Green Macaw and their 1:1 blue-ringed octopus that surpass any other blue-ringed ever done!



Angel shark: CollectA

Whitetip reef: Kaiyodo

Blacktip reef: Papo or kaiyodo

Spotted eagle ray: Papo

Scalloped hammerhead: Papo and the takara Tomy sharks gashapon too if you don't mind articulation and if you're scale conscious

green turtle: Colorata, takara Tomy Ania or Yujin

cownose ray: safari ltd

Xingu river ray: Kaiyodo

leopard shark: Papo


Due to shark week being near, I'll be making a list of definitive Shark figures (May be updated when better versions come out)


Megalodon: Favorite Co

Great white shark: Schleich 2018

Shortfin Mako: Toymany (only fault is it lacked nostrils)

Longfin Mako: Takara Tomy (needs a standard size release)

Salmon shark: Safari ltd 2022

Bigeye thresher: Monterey Bay aquarium

Pelagic thresher: Ikimon (Toymany is great but it lacks anal and second dorsal fins and only having 4 gill slits. Still better than Safari's)

Basking shark: CollectA 2021

Megamouth shark: Safari ltd 2016

Sand tiger shark: Safari ltd 2020

Goblin shark: CollectA 2023

Crocodile shark: Safari ltd

Carpet sharks:

Whale shark: Papo 2018

Brown banded bamboo shark: Bandai Mini collection

Zebra shark: Safari LTD (better aestatically than the collectA despite being a subadult)

Nurse shark: Safari ltd

Spotted wobbegong: Schleich (an upgrade is needed)

Ground sharks:

Blacktip reef shark: Papo 2018 (Kaiyodo may be better but smaller)

Bull shark: Papo 2019

Bronze whaler: For coperation

Galapagos shark: Safari ltd Galapagos Toob (needs an upgrade)

Grey reef shark: Safari LTD 2018

Oceanic whitetip shark: Safari ltd 2019

Silky shark: Safari ltd

Blue shark: Safari ltd

Tiger shark: Schleich 2016 (collectA would be the best if wasn't for the tiny caudal fin and lack of 5th gill slit)

Lemon shark: Safari ltd 2018

Sicklefin Lemon shark: Ikimon (Toymany may work as a Sicklefin)

Whitetip reef shark: Safari LTD (close call with the Slightly nicer Kaiyodo figure)

Scalloped hammerhead: Papo

Great hammerhead: Schleich

Smooth Hammerhead: Old Schleich/ Maia and Borges

Bonnethead: Safari ltd

leopard shark: Papo 2022

Cloudy catshark: For coperation

Blotchy swellshark: Kaiyodo (hatchling)

Six/ sevengilled sharks

frilled shark: Ikimon (the Bandai mini encyclopedia one is a close contender)

Bluntnose sixgill shark: Takara Tomy (needs a standard sized figure)

Horn sharks

Japanese bullhead shark: For coperation (Eikoh could be a close contender)

Port Jackson shark: Wild republic (needs an upgrade)

Zebra bullhead shark: play visions (needs an upgrade)


Angelshark: CollectA 2023


Japanese sawshark: Takara tomy (needs and upgrade)

Longnose Sawshark: Toymany


Cookie cutter shark: Colorata

Viper dogfish: Bandai


Quote from: JimoAi on June 27, 2023, 05:57:41 AMJapanese bullhead shark: For coperation (Eikoh could be a close contender)
I know what the Eikoh one looks like but what about the other?


Great list @JimoAi, I think I mostly agree with it. My own shark collection would be nothing without Safari.


Now onto the rays and chimeras:

Reef manta: Schleich 2013

Oceanic Manta ray: Safari ltd Monterey bay aquarium or the elusive Colorata deluxe figure (mentioned 2 as the Colorata figure is notoriously hard to find)

Spotted eagle ray: Papo

Bowmouth Guitarfish : CollectA (would be Schleich if not for the lazily done eyes)

Sawfish: a few choices over 5 extant species. Some of the best are CollectA and Schleich 2013

Marbled Ray: Safari LTD (too big to scale with most standard sized figures)

Cownose ray: safari ltd

Bat ray: Safari ltd venomous creatures toob

Blue spotted ribbontail ray: Toymany, but that figure has some anatomical inaccuracies

Red stingray: The access

Xingu river ray: Kaiyodo

Silver Chimera: Kaiyodo

Elephant shark: Kitan club


Really wished the batray was made as a standard size.
But you forgot the Blue Spotted Stingray and the Blue-spotted Ribbontail. Which I suggest Bullyland and SafariLtd respectively (the latter being part of the I.C. line; making it large).

Alopias superciliosus

Quote from: JimoAi on June 27, 2023, 05:57:41 AMDue to shark week being near, I'll be making a list of definitive Shark figures (May be updated when better versions come out)


Great white shark: Schleich 2018

Shortfin Mako: Safari ltd 2017(not 100% as it lacks the caudal keel but outside the keel, it's more accurate than the collectA and better aestatically. The Safari ltd 1997 figure has all the features but looks cartoony)

Longfin Mako: Takara Tomy

Salmon shark: Safari ltd 2022

Bigeye thresher: Monterey Bay aquarium

Pelagic thresher: Ikimon

Basking shark: CollectA 2021

Megamouth shark: Safari ltd 2016

Sand tiger shark: Safari ltd 2020

Goblin shark: CollectA 2023

Crocodile shark: Safari ltd

Carpet sharks:

Whale shark: Papo 2018

Brown banded bamboo shark: Bandai Mini collection

Zebra shark: Safari LTD (better aestatically than the collectA despite being a subadult)

Nurse shark: Safari ltd

Spotted wobbegong: Schleich (an upgrade is needed)

Ground sharks:

Blacktip reef shark: Papo 2018

Bull shark: Papo 2019

Bronze whaler: For coperation

Galapagos shark: Safari ltd Galapagos Toob (needs an upgrade)

Grey reef shark: Safari LTD 2018

Oceanic whitetip shark: Safari ltd 2019

Silky shark: Safari ltd Pelagic fish Toob ( needs a standard sized figure)

Blue shark: Safari ltd

Tiger shark: Schleich 2016 (collectA would be the best if wasn't for the tiny caudal fin and lack of 5th gill slit)

Lemon shark: Safari ltd 2018

Sicklefin Lemon shark: Ikimon (needs a standard sized figure)

Whitetip reef shark: Safari LTD (close call with the Slightly nicer Kaiyodo figure)

Scalloped hammerhead: Papo

Great hammerhead: Schleich

Smooth Hammerhead: Old Schleich/ Maia and Borges

Bonnethead: Safari ltd

leopard shark: Papo 2022

Cloudy catshark: For coperation

Blotchy swellshark: Kaiyodo (hatchling)

Six/ sevengilled sharks

frilled shark: Ikimon (the Bandai mini encyclopedia one is a close contender)

Bluntnose sixgill shark: Takara Tomy (needs a standard sized figure)

Horn sharks

Japanese bullhead shark: For coperation (Eikoh could be a close contender)

Port Jackson shark: Wild republic (needs an upgrade)

Zebra bullhead shark: play visions (needs an upgrade)


Angelshark: CollectA 2023


Japanese sawshark: Takara tomy (needs and upgrade)


Cookie cutter shark: Colorata

Viper dogfish: Bandai

Wow! Amazing list @JimoAi, thanks for posting! I was looking for something like this to make sure my shark collection is complete. Some others I'd add (if we're extending the list to sharks from non-major brands):

Common Thresher: Lontic/Nayab (honestly confused about this company, I'll make a separate post on this soon...)
Pacific Angel Shark (?): Lontic/Nayab (if it's a different species than Squatina squatina, which the CollectA one is)

Pyjama Shark: Discovery
Angular Roughshark: Discovery
Birdbeak Dogfish: Discovery
Lantern Shark: Discovery
Speartooth Shark: Discovery (they label it a "sevengill" and call another shark a "speartooth" but the "sevengill" is clearly modeled after a speartooth shark)
Blind Shark: Discovery

Greenland Shark: Larami (by default... I've heard there's a rare Nekoworks one out there somewhere though?)
Sandbar Shark: Larami
Blacktip Shark: Larami (no idea if they intentionally meant to do Carcharhinus limbatus instead of the more popular Carcharhinus melanopterus but that's what it says on the underside so... unique species!)

Common Sawshark: Yowie
Eastern Angel Shark: Yowie

Most of these aren't the greatest figures but I'm a species completionist I have (most) in my collection!  ^-^


For sea turtles (heavy on Colorata)

Leatherback turtle: Papo

Green turtle: Colorata

Loggerhead turtle : Colorata

Hawksbill turtle: Colorata (tied with Kaiyodo)

Flatback turtle: colorata

Olive Ridley Turtle: Yujin/Takara tomy arts

Kemp's Ridley Turtle: Colorata


Quote from: JimoAi on June 27, 2023, 05:57:41 AMDue to shark week being near, I'll be making a list of definitive Shark figures (May be updated when better versions come out)


Megalodon: Favorite Co

Great white shark: Schleich 2018

Shortfin Mako: Toymany (only fault is it lacked nostrils)

Longfin Mako: Takara Tomy (needs a standard size release)

Salmon shark: Safari ltd 2022

Bigeye thresher: Monterey Bay aquarium

Pelagic thresher: Ikimon (Toymany is great but it lacks anal and second dorsal fins and only having 4 gill slits. Still better than Safari's)

Basking shark: CollectA 2021

Megamouth shark: Safari ltd 2016

Sand tiger shark: Safari ltd 2020

Goblin shark: CollectA 2023

Crocodile shark: Safari ltd

Carpet sharks:

Whale shark: Papo 2018

Brown banded bamboo shark: Bandai Mini collection

Zebra shark: Safari LTD (better aestatically than the collectA despite being a subadult)

Nurse shark: Safari ltd

Spotted wobbegong: Schleich (an upgrade is needed)

Ground sharks:

Blacktip reef shark: Papo 2018 (Kaiyodo may be better but smaller)

Bull shark: Papo 2019

Bronze whaler: For coperation

Galapagos shark: Safari ltd Galapagos Toob (needs an upgrade)

Grey reef shark: Safari LTD 2018

Oceanic whitetip shark: Safari ltd 2019

Silky shark: Safari ltd

Blue shark: Safari ltd

Tiger shark: Schleich 2016 (collectA would be the best if wasn't for the tiny caudal fin and lack of 5th gill slit)

Lemon shark: Safari ltd 2018

Sicklefin Lemon shark: Ikimon (Toymany may work as a Sicklefin)

Whitetip reef shark: Safari LTD (close call with the Slightly nicer Kaiyodo figure)

Scalloped hammerhead: Papo

Great hammerhead: Schleich

Smooth Hammerhead: Old Schleich/ Maia and Borges

Bonnethead: Safari ltd

leopard shark: Papo 2022

Cloudy catshark: For coperation

Blotchy swellshark: Kaiyodo (hatchling)

Six/ sevengilled sharks

frilled shark: Ikimon (the Bandai mini encyclopedia one is a close contender)

Bluntnose sixgill shark: Takara Tomy (needs a standard sized figure)

Horn sharks

Japanese bullhead shark: For coperation (Eikoh could be a close contender)

Port Jackson shark: Wild republic (needs an upgrade)

Zebra bullhead shark: play visions (needs an upgrade)


Angelshark: CollectA 2023


Japanese sawshark: Takara tomy (needs and upgrade)

Longnose Sawshark: Toymany


Cookie cutter shark: Colorata

Viper dogfish: Bandai
Quote from: JimoAi on June 27, 2023, 05:57:41 AMDue to shark week being near, I'll be making a list of definitive Shark figures (May be updated when better versions come out)


Megalodon: Favorite Co

Great white shark: Schleich 2018

Shortfin Mako: Toymany (only fault is it lacked nostrils)

Longfin Mako: Takara Tomy (needs a standard size release)

Salmon shark: Safari ltd 2022

Bigeye thresher: Monterey Bay aquarium

Pelagic thresher: Ikimon (Toymany is great but it lacks anal and second dorsal fins and only having 4 gill slits. Still better than Safari's)

Basking shark: CollectA 2021

Megamouth shark: Safari ltd 2016

Sand tiger shark: Safari ltd 2020

Goblin shark: CollectA 2023

Crocodile shark: Safari ltd

Carpet sharks:

Whale shark: Papo 2018

Brown banded bamboo shark: Bandai Mini collection

Zebra shark: Safari LTD (better aestatically than the collectA despite being a subadult)

Nurse shark: Safari ltd

Spotted wobbegong: Schleich (an upgrade is needed)

Ground sharks:

Blacktip reef shark: Papo 2018 (Kaiyodo may be better but smaller)

Bull shark: Papo 2019

Bronze whaler: For coperation

Galapagos shark: Safari ltd Galapagos Toob (needs an upgrade)

Grey reef shark: Safari LTD 2018

Oceanic whitetip shark: Safari ltd 2019

Silky shark: Safari ltd

Blue shark: Safari ltd

Tiger shark: Schleich 2016 (collectA would be the best if wasn't for the tiny caudal fin and lack of 5th gill slit)

Lemon shark: Safari ltd 2018

Sicklefin Lemon shark: Ikimon (Toymany may work as a Sicklefin)

Whitetip reef shark: Safari LTD (close call with the Slightly nicer Kaiyodo figure)

Scalloped hammerhead: Papo

Great hammerhead: Schleich

Smooth Hammerhead: Old Schleich/ Maia and Borges

Bonnethead: Safari ltd

leopard shark: Papo 2022

Cloudy catshark: For coperation

Blotchy swellshark: Kaiyodo (hatchling)

Six/ sevengilled sharks

frilled shark: Ikimon (the Bandai mini encyclopedia one is a close contender)

Bluntnose sixgill shark: Takara Tomy (needs a standard sized figure)

Horn sharks

Japanese bullhead shark: For coperation (Eikoh could be a close contender)

Port Jackson shark: Wild republic (needs an upgrade)

Zebra bullhead shark: play visions (needs an upgrade)


Angelshark: CollectA 2023


Japanese sawshark: Takara tomy (needs and upgrade)

Longnose Sawshark: Toymany


Cookie cutter shark: Colorata

Viper dogfish: Bandai



Quote from: Alopias superciliosus on June 27, 2023, 11:16:22 PM
Quote from: JimoAi on June 27, 2023, 05:57:41 AMDue to shark week being near, I'll be making a list of definitive Shark figures (May be updated when better versions come out)


Great white shark: Schleich 2018

Shortfin Mako: Safari ltd 2017(not 100% as it lacks the caudal keel but outside the keel, it's more accurate than the collectA and better aestatically. The Safari ltd 1997 figure has all the features but looks cartoony)

Longfin Mako: Takara Tomy

Salmon shark: Safari ltd 2022

Bigeye thresher: Monterey Bay aquarium

Pelagic thresher: Ikimon

Basking shark: CollectA 2021

Megamouth shark: Safari ltd 2016

Sand tiger shark: Safari ltd 2020

Goblin shark: CollectA 2023

Crocodile shark: Safari ltd

Carpet sharks:

Whale shark: Papo 2018

Brown banded bamboo shark: Bandai Mini collection

Zebra shark: Safari LTD (better aestatically than the collectA despite being a subadult)

Nurse shark: Safari ltd

Spotted wobbegong: Schleich (an upgrade is needed)

Ground sharks:

Blacktip reef shark: Papo 2018

Bull shark: Papo 2019

Bronze whaler: For coperation

Galapagos shark: Safari ltd Galapagos Toob (needs an upgrade)

Grey reef shark: Safari LTD 2018

Oceanic whitetip shark: Safari ltd 2019

Silky shark: Safari ltd Pelagic fish Toob ( needs a standard sized figure)

Blue shark: Safari ltd

Tiger shark: Schleich 2016 (collectA would be the best if wasn't for the tiny caudal fin and lack of 5th gill slit)

Lemon shark: Safari ltd 2018

Sicklefin Lemon shark: Ikimon (needs a standard sized figure)

Whitetip reef shark: Safari LTD (close call with the Slightly nicer Kaiyodo figure)

Scalloped hammerhead: Papo

Great hammerhead: Schleich

Smooth Hammerhead: Old Schleich/ Maia and Borges

Bonnethead: Safari ltd

leopard shark: Papo 2022

Cloudy catshark: For coperation

Blotchy swellshark: Kaiyodo (hatchling)

Six/ sevengilled sharks

frilled shark: Ikimon (the Bandai mini encyclopedia one is a close contender)

Bluntnose sixgill shark: Takara Tomy (needs a standard sized figure)

Horn sharks

Japanese bullhead shark: For coperation (Eikoh could be a close contender)

Port Jackson shark: Wild republic (needs an upgrade)

Zebra bullhead shark: play visions (needs an upgrade)


Angelshark: CollectA 2023


Japanese sawshark: Takara tomy (needs and upgrade)


Cookie cutter shark: Colorata

Viper dogfish: Bandai

Wow! Amazing list @JimoAi, thanks for posting! I was looking for something like this to make sure my shark collection is complete. Some others I'd add (if we're extending the list to sharks from non-major brands):

Common Thresher: Lontic/Nayab (honestly confused about this company, I'll make a separate post on this soon...)
Pacific Angel Shark (?): Lontic/Nayab (if it's a different species than Squatina squatina, which the CollectA one is)

Pyjama Shark: Discovery
Angular Roughshark: Discovery
Birdbeak Dogfish: Discovery
Lantern Shark: Discovery
Speartooth Shark: Discovery (they label it a "sevengill" and call another shark a "speartooth" but the "sevengill" is clearly modeled after a speartooth shark)
Blind Shark: Discovery

Greenland Shark: Larami (by default... I've heard there's a rare Nekoworks one out there somewhere though?)
Sandbar Shark: Larami
Blacktip Shark: Larami (no idea if they intentionally meant to do Carcharhinus limbatus instead of the more popular Carcharhinus melanopterus but that's what it says on the underside so... unique species!)

Common Sawshark: Yowie
Eastern Angel Shark: Yowie

Most of these aren't the greatest figures but I'm a species completionist I have (most) in my collection!  ^-^
Quote from: JimoAi on June 27, 2023, 05:57:41 AMDue to shark week being near, I'll be making a list of definitive Shark figures (May be updated when better versions come out)


Megalodon: Favorite Co

Great white shark: Schleich 2018

Shortfin Mako: Toymany (only fault is it lacked nostrils)

Longfin Mako: Takara Tomy (needs a standard size release)

Salmon shark: Safari ltd 2022

Bigeye thresher: Monterey Bay aquarium

Pelagic thresher: Ikimon (Toymany is great but it lacks anal and second dorsal fins and only having 4 gill slits. Still better than Safari's)

Basking shark: CollectA 2021

Megamouth shark: Safari ltd 2016

Sand tiger shark: Safari ltd 2020

Goblin shark: CollectA 2023

Crocodile shark: Safari ltd

Carpet sharks:

Whale shark: Papo 2018

Brown banded bamboo shark: Bandai Mini collection

Zebra shark: Safari LTD (better aestatically than the collectA despite being a subadult)

Nurse shark: Safari ltd

Spotted wobbegong: Schleich (an upgrade is needed)

Ground sharks:

Blacktip reef shark: Papo 2018 (Kaiyodo may be better but smaller)

Bull shark: Papo 2019

Bronze whaler: For coperation

Galapagos shark: Safari ltd Galapagos Toob (needs an upgrade)

Grey reef shark: Safari LTD 2018

Oceanic whitetip shark: Safari ltd 2019

Silky shark: Safari ltd

Blue shark: Safari ltd

Tiger shark: Schleich 2016 (collectA would be the best if wasn't for the tiny caudal fin and lack of 5th gill slit)

Lemon shark: Safari ltd 2018

Sicklefin Lemon shark: Ikimon (Toymany may work as a Sicklefin)

Whitetip reef shark: Safari LTD (close call with the Slightly nicer Kaiyodo figure)

Scalloped hammerhead: Papo

Great hammerhead: Schleich

Smooth Hammerhead: Old Schleich/ Maia and Borges

Bonnethead: Safari ltd

leopard shark: Papo 2022

Cloudy catshark: For coperation

Blotchy swellshark: Kaiyodo (hatchling)

Six/ sevengilled sharks

frilled shark: Ikimon (the Bandai mini encyclopedia one is a close contender)

Bluntnose sixgill shark: Takara Tomy (needs a standard sized figure)

Horn sharks

Japanese bullhead shark: For coperation (Eikoh could be a close contender)

Port Jackson shark: Wild republic (needs an upgrade)

Zebra bullhead shark: play visions (needs an upgrade)


Angelshark: CollectA 2023


Japanese sawshark: Takara tomy (needs and upgrade)

Longnose Sawshark: Toymany


Cookie cutter shark: Colorata

Viper dogfish: Bandai

Which one is the For Corporation bronze whaler? I have the Kaiyodo, wasn't aware of another.

And I can confirm that NekoWorks makes a very nice Greenland shark. There's also a very nice Starry Smoothhound