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Cucumber and old wife

Started by Isidro, March 12, 2022, 02:45:45 PM

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Yet it could pass as another weird title like the one I published before in this section. But is just as it is :D a sea cucumber, more precisely a sandfish (Holothuria scabra) done by request for trade it by Papo albatross. And with the remains of sculpting paste I did for myself an old wife (Enoplosus armatus) :)


The underside, much paler (the clear colour masks somewhat the sculpt details)

Echinodermate team:

Released in natural habitat:

And served as dinner :P


And now the old wife! It's my first time using a new technique: transparent plastic bits for the fins! This take a cleas disadvantage, so take care if you will try the same for your homemade fishes: pectoral and pelvic fins are loose and they can fall. (The other fins are all a single piece in the inside of the fish, so they don't get loose)

First, you can see it raw, just sculpted. Well, it's not perfect, the snout should be sharper, opercles are different in each side and one eye is higher than the other. But I can stand with these issues.
old wife 4.jpg

And now painted (just done a while ago):
Old wife 1.jpg
Old wife 2.jpg

For comparison size with other water column (aka nektonic) dwellers:
old wife 3.jpg