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Miscellaneous Japanese - New for 2022

Started by bmathison1972, September 29, 2021, 03:03:18 PM

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SO-TA Frogs, expected in June 2022:

Also from SO-TA (no ETA), prototypes of some dung beetlesL


Quite interesting, I think most of them will be new species? The Breviceps is, except if we account for the "cute frog" series you announced recently. The Phyllomedusa will be also new I think. The Scarabaeus will probably depend of the exact species, if is not the same than the Fabre's "souvenirs entomologiques" one, then is maybe new. And the Phanaeus I also think will be new as whole genus!


Quote from: Isidro on March 05, 2022, 07:29:19 AM
Quite interesting, I think most of them will be new species? The Breviceps is, except if we account for the "cute frog" series you announced recently. The Phyllomedusa will be also new I think. The Scarabaeus will probably depend of the exact species, if is not the same than the Fabre's "souvenirs entomologiques" one, then is maybe new. And the Phanaeus I also think will be new as whole genus!

Breviceps will not be new; Qualia and Toys Spirits both made them in previous years, and the Toys Spirits (who is aligned with SO-TA) made the same species last year.

The phanaeine looks like a Coprophanaeus, maybe P. lancifer or P. ensifer (but I'll need to wait and study the final product). Safari Ltd's Smithsonian Collection dung beetle also appears to be Coprophanaeus (I have it currently databased as P. ensifer).

NSD Bashe

Okay I'm assuming this is the right place to mention this...  DeAgostini Japan has released a new series of large rubber deep sea fish called "Ocean Attack & Co".  It includes 15 in all, a fangtooth, a loosejaw, a monkfish, a frilled shark, a lancetfish, a hatchetfish, a red lipped batfish, a snailfish, a deep sea octopus, a (giant?) octopus, a boarfish, a shark (deep sea variety?), a red lionfish (not really deep sea), and a couple variety of crabs.  They also seem to have a small plastic sea animal inside them (possibly their lunch?).


Quote from: NSD Bashe on March 20, 2022, 03:33:11 PM
Okay I'm assuming this is the right place to mention this...  DeAgostini Japan has released a new series of large rubber deep sea fish called "Ocean Attack & Co".  It includes 15 in all, a fangtooth, a loosejaw, a monkfish, a frilled shark, a lancetfish, a hatchetfish, a red lipped batfish, a snailfish, a deep sea octopus, a (giant?) octopus, a boarfish, a shark (deep sea variety?), a red lionfish (not really deep sea), and a couple variety of crabs.  They also seem to have a small plastic sea animal inside them (possibly their lunch?).

Thanks; do you have pics?


Here is a promo image I found by searching for it but none of the figures.

NSD Bashe

There are a few YouTube videos of them out; not sure if it's okay to link them here or not but they exist.  Also if you Google image search "deagostini ocean attack and co" you should get a couple images that show the actual figures (I don't want to post other people's images though)

...I have ordered these so I'll try to post images when I get them


I found a promotional image for them just for reference. This is from the actual company instead of someone else's image of them.

NSD Bashe

That's a different set from several years ago, called Sea Monsters & Co.  Those ones are much smaller (though still cool). 

Dumb question, but is it okay then to just post promotional images from the company itself?  I guess that wasn't entirely clear to me, but maybe I should've figured it out since there are so many promotional images here  ::)


Quote from: NSD Bashe on March 21, 2022, 11:12:53 PM
That's a different set from several years ago, called Sea Monsters & Co.  Those ones are much smaller (though still cool). 

Dumb question, but is it okay then to just post promotional images from the company itself?  I guess that wasn't entirely clear to me, but maybe I should've figured it out since there are so many promotional images here  ::)

Yes those are fine; please post anything that you might find helpful to our audience, thanks!

NSD Bashe

I believe this is a promotional image that shows some of them

NSD Bashe

Not the actual figures obviously but a kind of visual guide of sorts...

And here's a link to an article about them, I hope it's okay to post as well:
(if not feel free to remove of course)


I strongly dislike how they put angry eyes to every creature - except tiny-eyed crustaceans and telescopic-eyed hatchetfich, that would look too weird or too difficult to draw angry -. I guess that this fact make the set more merchandisable for kids. Fortunately, in previous photo is seen that the figures themselves don't suffer that issue.

By the photo of the ogrefish being squeezed for see the blue crab inside, looks like these figures are really huge.

By the way, I like the originality of the concept. At the moment we know that the ogrefish have a crab inside and the lancetfish have a cuttlefish inside. I wonder which prey items would be inside the other animals.

NSD Bashe

I find it slightly amusing actually but yeah it looks silly.  Not as bad as their "Sea Monsters & Co" large edition, the promotional image for that put huge angry eyes on a jellyfish (thankfully I don't think the figure had the eyes)...  Though their "Tentacles & Co" series put little evil eyes on jellyfish and sea anemone figures, so they're somewhat unpredictable at times.


Updated pics of the SO-TA dung beetles. Looks like 2 species, with 2 figures each. Due in July.

The beetles rolling the dung ball look like members of the genus Canthon; this should be a new genus in toy form. I will try to pursue a species name, assuming the Japanese text doesn't translate.
The two beetles with the large horn appear to be Coprophanaeus ensifer. This may or may not be a new species; I have always considered the Safari Smithsonian dung beetle to be C. ensifer.

@Beetle guy - do you know if the Japanese text translates to Latin? Thanks.

And these two sets by Tarlin just released:

If you have interest in any of these, reach out to @brettnj

Beetle guy

Quote from: bmathison1972 on March 26, 2022, 04:00:51 PM
Updated pics of the SO-TA dung beetles. Looks like 2 species, with 2 figures each. Due in July.

The beetles rolling the dung ball look like members of the genus Canthon; this should be a new genus in toy form. I will try to pursue a species name, assuming the Japanese text doesn't translate.
The two beetles with the large horn appear to be Coprophanaeus ensifer. This may or may not be a new species; I have always considered the Safari Smithsonian dung beetle to be C. ensifer.

@Beetle guy - do you know if the Japanese text translates to Latin? Thanks.

These look great! Will collect these!
To beetle or not to beetle.

Beetle guy

1 Scarabeus sacer
2 Green one, Kheper vestivus
3 Coprophanaeus ensifer (bleu)
4 Coprophanaeus ensifer (black)
To beetle or not to beetle.


Quote from: Beetle guy on March 26, 2022, 07:49:41 PM
1 Scarabeus sacer
2 Green one, Kheper vestivus
3 Coprophanaeus ensifer (bleu)
4 Coprophanaeus ensifer (black)

Oh my! A Scarabaeus and a Kheper! This is a pleasant surprise! Although Kheper is usually a subgenus of Scarabaeus.

NSD Bashe

Here are all the actual figures in the Ocean Attack & Co series (I'll post more in depth discussion of them in the deep sea chat) but the official species listed are: 

Vitreledonella richardi (glass octopus)
Enteroctopus dofleini (giant pacific octopus)
Portunus segnis (swimming blue crab)
Paralithodes camtschaticus (red king crab)
Capros aper (boarfish)
Argyropelecus aculeatus (lovely hatchetfish)
Anoplogaster cornuta (common fangtooth)
Lophius budegassa (blackbellied angler/monkfish/goosefish)
Ogcocephalus darwini (red-lipped batfish)
Pterois russelii (lionfish/turkeyfish)
Pseudoliparis swirei (hadal snailfish)
Alepisaurus ferox (long snouted lancetfish)
Malacosteus niger (black or stoplight loosejaw)
Chlamydoselachus anguineus (frilled shark)
Carcharhinus altimus (bignose shark)
