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Mathison Museum of Natural History

Started by bmathison1972, October 12, 2020, 02:35:40 AM

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Species: Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus, 1758)
Common name(s): American cockroach; ship cockroach

About the Figure:
Manufacturer: Funrise Toys
Series: World of Nature Insect Collection
Year of Production: 1989
Size/Scale: Body length (excl. appendages) approx. 4.0 cm, within scale 1:1
Frequency of species in toy/figure form (at time of posting): Very rare
Miscellaneous Notes: This is the second time we've seen P. americana in the Museum. A simple design, typical for toys of its era. Funrise Toys specifically marketed it as an American cockroach, and the sculpt on the pronotum supports the identification.

About the Animal:
Geographic distribution: Native to Africa; now occurring nearly worldwide in temperate, tropical, and subtropical climates
Habitat: Highly variable where temperature and humidity are adequate, including hollow trees, wood piles, leaf litter, mulch, and many urban and suburban environments such as houses, garages, sewage systems, restaurants, grocery stores, food processing plants, and hospitals.
Diet: Any organic material, including bark, leaves, paper, wool clothes, sugar, cheese, bread, oil, fruit, ink, soap, flesh, fish, leather, other roaches and insects (dead or alive), and their own cast-off skins and egg-capsules.
IUCN Status (at time of posting): Not Evaluated
Miscellaneous Notes: The American cockroach is often regarded as a vector of diseases, but the potential for disease transmission is incidental; there are no specific vector-pathogen relationships between P. americana and any disease-causing agents. Transmission of pathogens is passive; for example, picking up Salmonella or Escherichia coli bacteria on their legs and later depositing them on food.


Species: Odontolabis cuvera fallaciosa Boileau, 1901
Common name(s): golden stag beetle

About the Figure:
Manufacturer: DeAgostini
Series: World Insect Data Book
Year of Production: unknown
Size/Scale: Body length (incl. mandibles) approx. 8.0 cm, within scale 1:1
Frequency of species in toy/figure form (at time of posting): Unique
Miscellaneous Notes: The DeAgostini insects are believed to have been cast from actual specimens and are therefore all in the 1:1 range. The figures were sold as premiums with books and come in a plastic display box with their Latin and Japanese names. I am not sure what year the figures were released, and it is possible they were released over multiple years. The original set from Japan consisted of 60 species (59 male Scarabaeoidea and one dragonfly), plus four 'secret' figures representing females of select scarab males. When the set was released in Italy, three of the standard set were replaced with other species, including a leaf insect. Between the two releases and secrets, I think there are 67 figures total representing 63 species. The figures are secured to the base of the box with a small screw, but can be safely removed if one choses to display them outside of the box.

About the Animal:
Geographic distribution: Southeast Asia (China, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam)
Habitat: Rainforests
Diet: Larvae feed in leaf litter and rotting wood; adults feed on tree sap
IUCN Status (at time of posting): Not Evaluated
Miscellaneous Notes: Males of lucanid species with greatly enlarged mandibles will typically have major and minor morphotypes based on mandible size. Odontolabis cuvera is one of only two known lucanid species (the other being Dorcus rectus) that exhibits male trimorphism, whereby there are three defined morphotypes of the male's mandibles.


Species: Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758)
Common name(s): green sea turtle; black sea turtle; Pacific green turtle

About the Figure:
Manufacturer: Schleich
Series: Wild Life Ocean
Year of Production: 2013
Size/Scale: Carapace length approx. 6.0 cm for a scale of 1:13-1:18.7
Frequency of species in toy/figure form (at time of posting): Common
Miscellaneous Notes: Chelonia mydas is one of the most commonly made turtle species, and probably the most commonly made sea turtle. Several nice examples have also been produced by Japanese companies, but they are smaller.

About the Animal:
Geographic distribution: Worldwide in subtropical and tropical seas and oceans
Habitat: Pelagic; at depths of 0-200 meters
Diet: Juveniles are omnivores, including fish and their eggs, invertebrates, algae, sea grasses. Adults feed primarily on algae, seaweeds, and sea grasses.
IUCN Status (at time of posting): Endangered
Miscellaneous Notes: There are two major, distinct genetic populations of C. mydas, one in the Atlantic Ocean and one in the Indo-Pacific. Their separation is believed to be from the turtles' inability to migrate across the colder waters at the southern tips of Africa and South America. It is not known for long the populations have been separated. Some data suggest the two populations have been separated since the rise of the Isthmus of Panama around 3 million years ago. However, some genetic data show that some Atlantic populations are closest to some populations in the Indian Ocean, suggesting the separation may be more recent, as the Cape of Good Hope at the tip of South Africa isn't completely impenetrable to the sea turtles. The population around the Galápagos Islands has sometimes been given species rank (C. agassizzii), although molecular data do not support this and would make the genus paraphyletic to recognize it.


That's a really nice one! I don't think I've seen it before.


The Colorata ones are in the standard size range and are very nicely done, albeit expensive. Was tempted to get this Schleich but I couldn't get past the fact it has tortoise scutes on its plastron


I worked with "Chelonia agassizii" in Baja California my freshman year of college. You're right, most genetic evidence indicates it's no more than a subspecies.
I like turtles.


Species: Patiria pectinifera (Müller & Troschel, 1842)
Common name(s): blue bat star

About the Figure:
Manufacturer: Ikimon
Series: Nature Techni Colour - Seaside Creatures 1
Year of Production: 2018
Size/Scale: Diameter 5.0 cm for a scale of 1:1.6-1:2 (see below)
Frequency of species in toy/figure form (at time of posting): Very rare
Miscellaneous Notes: This figure was also released in the second Seaside Creatures collection in 2019. The figures have internal magnets. I had difficulty finding metrics to calculate a scale; the measurements above are based on a maximum width of 8-10 cm. The accompanying paperwork said the size range is 5-7 cm, but I am not sure if that is total width or the length from the center of the animal to the tip of one of its arms, which is a common metric for measuring starfish.

About the Animal:
Geographic distribution: North Pacific (Sea of Japan, East China Sea, Yellow Sea)
Habitat: Subtidal zone; usually on stony seabeds and other rocky substrates at depths of 0-40 meters
Diet: Benthic invertebrates, algae, sea grass, detritus
IUCN Status (at time of posting): Not Evaluated
Miscellaneous Notes: Patiria pectinifera is a popular model animal in developmental biology studies, especially embryology. The starfish is common and easy to acquire, is easy to keep and feed in aquaria, is easy to handle, and regenerates and recovers quickly.


Species: Argiope aurantia Lucas, 1833
Common name(s): yellow garden spider; black-and-yellow Argiope; golden garden spider; many others

About the Figure:
Manufacturer: Sun Wai Toys
Series: unknown
Year of Production: unknown
Size/Scale: Legspan as displayed nearly 30.0 cm. Body length (excl. appendages) approx. 12.5 cm for a scale of 6.8:1-4.5:1
Frequency of species in toy/figure form (at time of posting): Very rare
Miscellaneous Notes: I don't know much about this novelty toy; I bought it at a toy store in Arizona probably around 1999-2001. The identification is my own. The abdomen is not the right shape for an Argiope, but the rest of the sculpt and color seem to be based on the illustration in the Golden Guide Spiders and their Kin by Herbert L. and Lorna R. Levi (I have the 1987 edition). The spiders in Club Earth's Spiders to Go collection also appear to be based on illustrations from this book. The eye arrangement is incorrect for a member of the family Araneidae, however (I common mistake with spider figures and toys, especially one from this era).

About the Animal:
Geographic distribution: North and Central America, from southern Canada to Costa Rica
Habitat: Forest margins, fields, parks, gardens; generally along the periphery of open, sunny areas protected from wind
Diet: Flying insects
IUCN Status (at time of posting): Not Evaluated
Miscellaneous Notes: Webs of A. aurantia are usually in areas adjacent to open sunny areas yet protected from wind. The web is vertical and circular, and can measure up to 60 cm in diameter. The center of the web contains a zigzag pattern of thicker silk called a stabilimentum, where the spider sits. The function of the stabilimentum is still a matter of debate. Some think it is to hide the lurking spiders. Others think it is to mimic a flower (keeping in mind insects see ultraviolet light and perceive colors differently than us) to attract prey such as bees, flies, and butterflies.


Species: Amblyomma hebraeum Koch, 1844
Common name(s): South African bont tick

About the Figure:
Manufacturer: Play Visions
Series: Fleas, Lice, and Ticks
Year of Production: 1996
Size/Scale: Body length (excl. appendages) approx. 3.2 cm for a scale of 7.6:1-5.6:1
Frequency of species in toy/figure form (at time of posting): Unique
Miscellaneous Notes: This figure is marked as a 'deer tick', which usually refers to a tick in the genus Ixodes. However, the presence of ornate white markings and festoons (the grooves along the posterior edge of the body) rule-out anything in that genus. Along with the white maculae and festoons, the long mouthparts seem to favor something in the genus Amblyomma. For years I assumed this was modeled after the Gulf Coast tick A. maculatum (the best candidate in North America), but after doing a deep dive into other species of Amblyomma, the markings on the dorsal surface of this tick are much more in line with those on a male A. hebraeum. Amblyomma variegatum is also a likely candidate, but the large white round spots on either side favor A. hebraeum.

About the Animal:
Geographic distribution: Southeastern Africa
Habitat: Tropical and subtropical brushland and savanna
Diet: Immature stages feed on the blood of small mammals, birds, reptiles; adults primarily feed on the blood of large ungulates and livestock
IUCN Status (at time of posting): Not Evaluated
Miscellaneous Notes: The primary veterinary importance of A. hebraeum is its ability to vector Ehrlichia ruminatium, the causative agent of heartwater disease in livestock. The primary medical importance of A. hebraeum is its ability to vector Rickettsia africae, the causative agent of African tick-bite fever.


Species: Lanius bucephalus Temminck & Schlegel, 1845
Common name(s): bull-headed shrike

About the Figure:
Manufacturer: Furuta
Series: Chocoegg Animatales - Birds
Year of Production: 2003
Size/Scale: Body length approx. 5.0 cm for a scale of 1:4
Frequency of species in toy/figure form (at time of posting): Very rare
Miscellaneous Notes: Being one of the original Chocoegg figures, assembly is required. The bird is removable from its base. I find it challenging at times to find a good angle to photograph these flying birds and still show detail.

About the Animal:
Geographic distribution: East Asia, Japan
Habitat: Forest margins, fields, meadows, agricultural land, suburban parks and gardens
Diet: Insects, small vertebrates, seeds
IUCN Status (at time of posting): Least Concern
Miscellaneous Notes: Like other shrikes, L. bucephalus is known for impaling its prey on thorns or other sharp objects, like the wires in fencing. This is for not only caching the food, but also so it can be torn into smaller, bite-sized pieces. It may also be for marking territory.


Species: Agalychnis callidryas (Cope, 1862)
Common name(s): red-eyed tree frog

About the Figure:
Manufacturer: Colorata
Series: Tropical Rain Forest Frogs
Year of Production: 2019 (2005)
Size/Scale: Maximum dimensions are approx. 7.5 cm wide and 7.2 cm tall. Snout-to-vent length approx. 4.0 cm, within scale 1:1
Frequency of species in toy/figure form (at time of posting): Common
Miscellaneous Notes: My figure is the 2019 release of a model that originally came out in 2005. When I received the Toymany frogs collection, it was a very difficult decision on which A. callidryas to keep! The Toymany figure is more refined and the colors a little crisper, but I like the display of the Colorata figure on a branch. Maybe someday I'll have an epiphany and swap out the Colorata frog for Toymany's, but for now I am sticking with the former.

About the Animal:
Geographic distribution: Central and northern South America, from southern Mexico to northwestern Colombia
Habitat: Rainforests; arboreal, usually near reliable water sources
Diet: Tadpoles eat algae, plankton, bacteria, and other tadpoles, including their own species; adults eat insects and spiders
IUCN Status (at time of posting): Least Concern
Miscellaneous Notes: Like other members of the genus Agalychnis, A. callidryas has difficulty preventing dehydration in warm environments. It requires abundant access to water, and frogs are generally found in trees near ponds and other small bodies of fresh water. In times of extreme heat or dry seasons, red-eyed tree frogs take shelter under broad leaves closer to the forest floor where it is more humid.


Species: Hynobius nebulosus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1838)
Common name(s): Japanese clouded salamander; Mitsjama salamander; misty salamander

About the Figure:
Manufacturer: Kaiyodo
Series: Choco Q Animatales Series 6
Year of Production: 2002
Size/Scale: Figure length approx. 7.8 cm. Snout-to-vent length approx. 4.2 cm, within scale 1:1
Frequency of species in toy/figure form (at time of posting): Unique
Miscellaneous Notes: Being one of the original Choco Q figures, assembly is required.

About the Animal:
Geographic distribution: Japan
Habitat: Lowland forests, talus slopes, rice paddies, suburban areas; usually near rivers, swamps, freshwater springs, and irrigation ditches
Diet: Larvae feed on aquatic insects, freshwater crustaceans, small fish, tadpoles, and other salamander larvae, including their own species; adults feed on small insects, arachnids, earthworms
IUCN Status (at time of posting): Least Concern
Miscellaneous Notes: Males of H. nebulosus are extremely territorial, and will defend their territory by biting, head-butting, and vigorous tail-waving. Males that cannot establish their own territory are called 'sneakers'; these sneakers lurk in the vicinity of a breeding couple in hopes of sneaking in and fertilizing an egg sac themselves.


Species: Fromia monilis (Perrier, 1869)
Common name(s): necklace starfish; tiled starfish; peppermint sea star

About the Figure:
Manufacturer: unknown
Series: Starfish
Year of Production: unknown
Size/Scale: Diameter approx. 6.0 cm for a scale of 1:5
Frequency of species in toy/figure form (at time of posting): Very rare (unique as a sculpt, see below)
Miscellaneous Notes: This figure comes from a set by an unknown company that uses the same sculpts from Play Visions' 1996 Starfish collection. Some of the figures are marked with an 'S.H.' which has led some collectors to speculate these figures were produced by Hong Kong-based Shing Hing. Another possibility is that they were produced by Wing Mau, who continues to produce PV figures, or another unknown company that collaborated with Wing Mau (I suspect Wing Mau was directly involved one way or another). Regardless, the quality of these unknown figures are just as good, in terms of plastic and paint application, as Play Visions figures. They do lack the common name present on the underside of the PV figures, however. If I ever have the opportunity to get the original PV figure, I might replace it, but for now this figure (and a few others like it) serve my needs just fine.

About the Animal:
Geographic distribution: Indo-West Pacific
Habitat: Coral reefs, at depths of 0-51 meters
Diet: Sponges and other small benthic invertebrates, detritus
IUCN Status (at time of posting): Not Evaluated
Miscellaneous Notes: Fromia monilis undergoes both sexual and asexual reproduction. Embryos hatch into planktonic larvae and later metamorphose into pentamerous juveniles which develop into young sea stars with stubby arms.


Species: Tenodera aridifolia (Stoll, 1813)
Common name(s): Japanese giant mantis

About the Figure:
Manufacturer: Re-ment
Series: Insect Kingdom Magnets
Year of Production: 2010
Size/Scale: Body length approx. 7.0 cm, within scale 1:1 for both sexes (although for a small female specimen)
Frequency of species in toy/figure form (at time of posting): Common
Miscellaneous Notes: This is the second time we've seen T. aridifolia in the Museum. As the name of the set indicates, there is a small, relatively non-obtrusive magnet on the underside. The Chinese mantis (T. sinensis) was previously classified as a subspecies of T. aridifolia, and Japanese figures marketed as the former generally represent the latter.

About the Animal:
Geographic distribution: East Asia, Japan
Habitat: Woodlands, riparian areas, grasslands, meadows, agricultural fields, suburban parks and gardens
Diet: Primarily other arthropods; on occasion small reptiles, amphibians, and hummingbirds
IUCN Status (at time of posting): Not Evaluated
Miscellaneous Notes: The separation of T. aridifolia and T. sinensis is based on characteristics of the male genitalia. Their separation is believed to be a result of sympatric speciation, meaning the two populations became reproductively isolated while still sharing the same geographic area.


Species: Actias luna (Linnaeus, 1758)
Common name(s): Luna moth; American moon moth

About the Figure:
Manufacturer: Safari Ltd.
Series: Safariology - Life Cycle of a Luna Moth
Year of Production: 2013
Size/Scale: Larva approx. 5.5 cm, within scale 1:1 or up to 1:1.6 for a large fifth instar. Wingspan of adult approx. 10.0 cm, within scale 1:1 (see also below).
Frequency of species in toy/figure form (at time of posting): Rare
Miscellaneous Notes: This is the second time we've seen A. luna in the Museum. The adult is in scale 1:1. The caterpillar is 1:1 as a small fifth (final instar). The pupa is in relative scale to the adult and larva. Not sure what the host leaf is supposed to represent, but it looks like a red maple (Acer rubrum), which would put the leaf in the 1:1.3-1:2 scale. Also, the eggs appear to be on the upperside of the leaf when they are typically laid on the underside.

About the Animal:
Geographic distribution: Eastern North America
Habitat: Deciduous hardwood forests, parks, gardens, suburban areas
Diet: Larvae feed on the leaves of a variety of hardwood trees, including Betula (birch), Diospyros (persimmon), Liquidambar (sweetgum), Carya (hickory, pecan), Juglans (walnut), and Rhus (sumac); adults do not feed.
IUCN Status (at time of posting): Not Evaluated; NatureServe status is Secure
Miscellaneous Notes: Actias luna has 1-3 generations a year depending on the climate and latitude. Gravid females lay approximately 200-400 eggs singly or in small groups on the underside of the leaves of the host tree. Eggs hatch in 7-10 days. The larvae feed for 6-7 weeks, undergoing 4 molts in the process. Fifth (final) instars leave the host tree and pupate in soil or leaf litter. Adults hatch in 2-3 weeks and live for only about one week.


Quote from: bmathison1972 on January 11, 2025, 12:31:53 PMNot sure what the host leaf is supposed to represent, but it looks like a red maple (Acer rubrum)

Very clearly and ubdoubtely it represent the leaf of Liquidambar styraciflua, that is usually the plant used by breeders for rearing this and other Actias species.


Species: Coccinella septempunctata Linnaeus, 1758
Common name(s): seven-spotted lady beetle; seven-spot ladybird; C-7

About the Figure:
Manufacturer: Kabaya
Series: Insect Directory
Year of Production: unknown
Size/Scale: Total figure height approx. 5.5 cm. Body length approx. 1.1 cm for a scale of 1.7:1-1.4:1
Frequency of species in toy/figure form (at time of posting): Common
Miscellaneous Notes: This is the sixth time we've seen C. septempunctata in the Museum. The flower stalk is removable from the base but beetle comes permanently affixed to the flower.

About the Organism:
Geographic distribution: Native to the Palearctic; naturalized in North America and southern Africa
Habitat: Forests, grasslands, marshes, deserts, agricultural fields, disturbed areas, parks, gardens
Diet: Soft-bodied insects, especially aphids and scales
IUCN Status (at time of posting): Not Evaluated
Miscellaneous Notes: While not native to North America, C. septempunctata is the official state insect of five U.S. states (Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ohio, Tennessee).


Species: Platalea leucorodia Linnaeus, 1758
Common name(s): Eurasian spoonbill; common spoonbill

About the Figure:
Manufacturer: Papo
Series: Wild Animals
Year of Production: 2022
Size/Scale: Figure height (incl. base) approx. 8.3 cm. Measuring along the body, length (incl. bill) approx. 12.0 cm for a scale of 1:5.8-1:7.9. Using head length as a metric (n=4.0 cm) scale comes to 1:6.3.
Frequency of species in toy/figure form (at time of posting): Unique to very rare (see below)
Miscellaneous Notes: There are two additional figures listed under this species on TAI; one of them has some pink and was probably modeled after the rosette spoonbill (P. ajaja). The other lacks pink and could be this species, but trying to identify Nayab figures is usually an exercise in futility.

About the Animal:
Geographic distribution: Eurasia and northern Africa
Habitat: Shallow wetlands, usually with muddy clay or fine, sandy beds and surrounded by riparian-emergent vegetation and trees, including marshes, large rivers, lakes, floodplains, mangrove swamps, deltas, estuaries, coastal lagoons
Diet: Aquatic invertebrates, amphibians, small fish
IUCN Status (at time of posting): Least Concern
Miscellaneous Notes: Studies on the form and function of the spoonbill's iconic bill reveal it is designed to minimize drag and turbulence when sweeping for prey as well as to avoid disturbing and alerting potential prey. Prey detection relies on tactile sensations, and disturbed prey fleeing the bird would be otherwise difficult to locate without visual clues.


Species: Mastigias papua Lesson, 1830
Common name(s): spotted jellyfish; Papuan jellyfish; golden medusa

About the Figure:
Manufacturer: Ikimon
Series: Nature Techni Colour - Jellyfish Collection
Year of Production: 2015 (2010)
Size/Scale: Bell approx. 3.3 cm wide, within scale 1:1 (range 1.1:1-1:2.4)
Frequency of species in toy/figure form (at time of posting): Uncommon to rare
Miscellaneous Notes: This is the second time we've seen M. papua in the Museum; the first time was a figure by Qualia that this Ikimon figure has since replaced, as I wanted to retain the entire NTC collection. My jellyfish is the 2015 reissue of a figure originally produced by Kitan Club in 2010. In 2013, the set was also released with glow-in-the-dark versions of the jellyfish.

About the Animal:
Geographic distribution: Indo-West Pacific
Habitat: Pelagic; in coastal waters, lagoons, marine lakes, usually at depths of 0-2.5 m
Diet: Energy derived from symbiotic zooxanthallae as well as predation of zooplankton, phytoplankon, microcrustaceans
IUCN Status (at time of posting): Not Evaluated
Miscellaneous Notes: Mastigias papua prefers to hang out in shallower waters, where it derives roughly 70% of its energy from symbiotic zooxanthallae. At night, it often goes to lower depths to prey on planktonic organisms.


Species: Mecynorhina ugandensis Moser, 1907

About the Figure:
Manufacturer: Bandai
Series: Diversity of Life on Earth - Beetles Vol. 6
Year of Production: 2024
Size/Scale: Body length (incl. cephalic horn) approx. 9.0 cm for a scale of 1.1:1 (very slightly over 1:1 for a maximum-sized specimen)
Frequency of species in toy/figure form (at time of posting): Very rare
Miscellaneous Notes: This is the second time we've seen M. ugandensis in the Museum. Being one of the Diversity of Life on Earth figures, assembly is required. The model also came in blue but I wanted the orange one to add color variety to the collection. There is an option to attach the beetle to a base, although a base did not come with it (for the newer sets, one must buy the bases separately or use bases from earlier figures). I don't display any Bandai beetles on bases, however.

About the Animal:
Geographic distribution: Central Africa (Uganda, DRC)
Habitat: Tropical rainforest
Diet: Larvae feed in rotting wood or compost; adults are attracted to sap and overripe fruit
IUCN Status (at time of posting): Not Evaluated
Miscellaneous Notes: Mecynorhina ugandensis is in the subgenus Mecynorrhinella along with M. oberthueri and M. torquata. Mecynorhina ugandensis is often considered a subspecies of M. torquata.