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Halichoeres trade animals and wishlist

Started by Halichoeres, May 03, 2017, 02:19:33 PM

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Hi everyone, I collect almost exclusively prehistoric animals, but sometimes I end up with some extant things as bycatch. I offer them here, and I'll update as I get things organized. I have an extensive trade thread at the dino toy forum (http://dinotoyblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=3299.0), so check that out if you're interested in prehistorics. Everything is available for either sale or trade, and I ship anywhere (from the United States). Thanks for looking!

AAA right whale $15

Colorata whale shark (no post or stand) $5

Diramix/DeAgostini/ZooWorld turtles $3 each

Diramix/DeAgostini/ZooWorld lionfish, anglerfish, pufferfishes, and triggerfishes $3 each

Diramix/DeAgostini/ZooWorld humpback whale, narwhal, dolphin, orca, Pacific octopus, blue ringed octopus $3 each

Diramix/DeAgostini/ZooWorld sharks and torpedo rays $3 each

Diramix/DeAgostini/ZooWorld piranhas, sailfish, catfish, walrus, platypus $3 each

Diramix/DeAgostini/ZooWorld eels and what I think are meant to be weevers $3 each

Diramix Mega Squali hammerhead, basking shark, spotted carpet shark, albino white shark $9 each

Diramix Mega Squali guitarfish, whale shark, thresher shark, blue shark $9 each

Diramix Mega Squali leopard shark, megamouth shark, Japanese sawshark (but looks like a sawfish), zebra shark $9 each

Diramix/DeAgostini/Zooworld: barracuda (2 color schemes), sawfish, hammerhead, blue shark, lemon shark

Diramix/DeAgostini/Zooworld; thresher shark, basking shark, and two other sharks I haven't identified yet

Diramix/DeAgostini mollusks and mammals: 3 kinds of octopus, killer whale, dugong, walrus, narwhal, platypus, dolphin, humpback whale

Diramix/DeAgostini ostariophysans: red-tailed catfish, black bullhead, red-eyed piranha, red-bellied piranha, lobetoothed piranha, electric eel

Diramix/DeAgostini actinopterygians: unidentified eel, 3 kinds of moray, gar, sturgeon, paddlefish

Epoch Japanese spider crab and horseshoe crab

Favorite Co blue whale $8

Favorite vinyl models: orca, polar bear, king penguin $12 each

Ikimon Nature Technicolor giant isopod with chain, relaxed marine isopod (no chain), coiled marine isopod (chain)

Kabaya Nyanko story set of 13 kittens. Complete with boxes; I'm only selling/trading as a set.

Kaiyodo Aquatales:
winged argonaut
scalloped hammerhead
bottlenose dolphin
skipjack tuna
ocean sunfish
Japanese flying fish

Kaiyodo Aquatales:
potato cod (grouper)
African pompano
loggerhead turtle
giant manta with diver
great barracuda

Kaiyodo Aquatales:
spotted eagle ray
sargassum fish
oceanic whitetip shark
Laysan albatross
humpback whale with boat
common box crab/shame-faced crab

Kaiyodo Shinagawa Aquarium whale shark, nautilus, red frog crab, water scorpion, matamata, Humboldt penguin, sea otter, emperor penguin ×3

Kaiyodo Shinagawa Aquarium blue jellyfish

Kaiyodo Furuta insects:
ChocoEgg 1 Japanese Luehdorfia butterfly
ChocoEgg 2 giant water bug
ChocoEgg 3 ant lion
ChocoEgg 3 great diving beetle
ChocoEgg 3 golden ringed dragonfly
ChocoEgg 3 great purple emperor butterfly
ChocoEgg 4 migratory locust
ChocoEgg 5 blue longhorn beetle

Kaiyodo Furuta fishes:
ChocoEgg 3 Japanese barramundi
ChocoEgg 3 sweetfish
ChocoEgg 5 barred knifejaw
ChocoEgg 3 crowned seahorse
ChocoQ 6 three-lips
ChocoEgg 4 grass puffer (it would have been so appropriate to upload this on April 20)
ChocoEgg 4 fourspine sculpin
ChocoEgg 4 reddish bullhead

Kaiyodo Furuta mollusks, crustaceans, cnidarians:
ChocoEgg 5 moon jellyfish
ChocoEgg 4 Japanese flying squid
ChocoEgg 4 longtail tadpole shrimp
ChocoEgg 3 red-clawed crab
ChocoEgg 3 Hypselodoris festiva
ChocoEgg 2 air-breathing land snail
ChocoEgg 4 Leptopoma vitreum
ChocoEgg 2 broadclub cuttlefish

Kaiyodo Furuta cetaceans
ChocoQ 6 humpback whale
ChocoEgg 2 Dall's porpoise
ChocoEgg 5 Pacific white-sided dolphin
ChocoEgg 3 Bryde's whale

Kaiyodo Furuta birds:
ChocoEgg 3 peregrine falcon
ChocoEgg 3 Bonin white-eye
ChocoEgg 5 spotted nutcracker
ChocoEgg 1 narcissus flycatcher
ChocoEgg 3 Lidth's jay
ChocoEgg 3 barn swallow

Kaiyodo Furuta mammals:
ChocoEgg 2 long eared bat
ChocoEgg 4 Japanese mole
ChocoEgg 5 Ryukyu flying fox
ChocoEgg 5 Himalayan water shrew

Kaiyodo Furuta mammals:
ChocoEgg 1 Japanese hare
ChocoEgg 5 northern pika
ChocoQ 7 mountain hare
ChocoEgg 3 wild boar piglet
ChocoEgg 5 sika deer fawn
ChocoEgg 1 Japanese serow

Kaiyodo Furuta mammals:
ChocoQ Pets 3 munchkin cat
ChogoEgg 5 masked palm civet
ChocoEgg 5 Tsushima leopard cat
ChocoEgg 4 harbor seal
ChocoEgg 2 raccoon dog
ChocoEgg 4 common raccoon

Kaiyodo Furuta mammals:
ChocoEgg 4 Japanese grass vole
ChocoEgg 4 Japanese giant flying squirrel
ChocoEgg 5 Ryukyu long-tailed giant rat
ChocoQ Pets 3 mouse
ChocoEgg 3 harvest mouse
ChocoEgg 3 Japanese squirrel

Kaiyodo Furuta mammals:
ChocoEgg 2 stoat
ChocoEgg 3 Japanese badger
ChocoEgg 4 Japanese weasel
ChocoEgg 3 sea otter
ChocoEgg 2 brown bear
ChocoEgg 3 Asiatic black bear
ChocoEgg 2 Japanese river otter

These aren't familiar to me, they seem to be flying versions of the Furuta birds
ruddy kingfisher
great tit
red crowned crane

Kaiyodo Furuta birds:
ChocoEgg 5 black-faced spoonbill
ChocoEgg 3 mallard
ChocoEgg 4 rock ptarmigan
ChocoEgg 4 great crested grebe
ChocoEgg 3 whooper swan
ChocoQ 6 great cormorant

Kaiyodo Furuta birds:
ChocoEgg 3 crested kingfisher
ChocoEgg 5 great spotted woodpecker
ChocoEgg 1 common kingfisher
ChocoEgg 2 golden eagle
ChocoEgg 4 black-tailed gull
ChocoEgg 3 Okinawa rail
ChocoEgg 5 common moorhen
ChocoEgg 4 white-bellied green pigeon

Kaiyodo Furuta ChocoEgg box set. This and the other boxes are a little worn, but the figures are in perfect shape.
Scottish fold, hamster, Java sparrow, Shiba Inu
bantam, ranchu goldfish, budgerigar, red-eared slider
Japanese bobtail cat, Netherlands dwarf rabbit, whippet, ferret

Siamese cat, golden retriever, ranchu goldfish, bantam
Netherlands dwarf rabbit, ferret, red-eared slider, dachshund
Shiba Inu, budgerigar, American shorthair, hamster

Netherlands dwarf rabbit, whippet, Scottish fold, budgerigar
Java sparrow, hamster, American shorthair, Japanese bobtail cat
Dutch rabbit, dachshund, leopard gecko

Persian cat, Gouldian finch, leopard gecko
lop-eared rabbit, discus, hamster, Welsh corgi
Japanese bobtail cat, koi, lovebird

swan goose, Persian cat, bull terrier
pug, Argentine horned frog, lovebird, discus
hamster, lop-eared rabbit, koi

swan goose, Gouldian finch, Persian cat
horned frog, koi, lop-eared rabbit, pug
discus, lovebird, bull terrier

Kaiyodo Furuta
ChocoEgg 3 whale shark
ChocoEgg 3 manta
ChocoEgg 4 megamouth shark

Kaiyodo Furuta
ChocoEgg 2 Ryukuyu black-breasted leaf turtle
ChocoEgg 3 Chinese softshell turtle
ChocoEgg 3 Japanese striped snake
ChocoEgg 4 black-banded sea krait
ChocoEgg 5 Chinese box turtle

Kaiyodo fishes:
Deep Sea Odyssey whalefish
Deep Sea Odyssey silver hatchetfish
Deep Sea Odyssey dealfish
Aquatales yellow boxfish

Kaiyodo Penguins' Lunch
Series 1 Adelie penguin
Series 1 emperor penguin chick
Series 1 rockhopper penguin
Series 2 Adelie penguin
Series 2 chinstrap penguin
Series 2 gentoo penguin chick
Series 2 erect-crested penguin
Series 2 Magellanic penguin
Series 2 royal penguin

Kaiyodo Deep Sea Odyssey:
giant tube worm with crabs
chimaera (on the wrong base, this belongs to the telescopefish Gigantura)
sperm whale with giant squid (secret figure)
Enypniastes sea cucumber

Kaiyodo Kitadaniryu, all four variants. Best offer.

Safari blue whale 2007 version $4

unknown brand squishy, hollow rubber walrus. $1

More prehistoric stuff at the Dinosaur Toy Forum: http://dinotoyblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=3299.0

My wish list:

Gojirasaurus (remote controlled)
Segnosaurus (remote controlled)
this small PVC Teratosaurus:

Pterichthys (Pterichthyodes)

Mattel (Jurassic World)

WWD Ornithocheirus (though I don't think I'll ever find one)
Where I try to find the best version of every prehistoric species: http://dinotoyblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=3390.0


New additions: AAA, Kaiyodo, PNSO, Yowie
Where I try to find the best version of every prehistoric species: http://dinotoyblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=3390.0


Updated with a few new Diramix, Kaiyodo, and Safari figures.
Where I try to find the best version of every prehistoric species: http://dinotoyblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=3390.0


New Kaiyodo Shinagawa Aquarium figures available. PM me with offers
Where I try to find the best version of every prehistoric species: http://dinotoyblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=3390.0


Big update:

• Colorata
• Favorite
• Kaiyodo/Furuta many different series
• Safari
Where I try to find the best version of every prehistoric species: http://dinotoyblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=3390.0

Beetle guy

I am interested in these two.

ChocoEgg 1 Japanese Luehdorfia butterfly
ChocoEgg 3 great purple emperor butterfly
To beetle or not to beetle.


Quote from: Beetle guy on April 22, 2018, 10:03:05 PM
I am interested in these two.

ChocoEgg 1 Japanese Luehdorfia butterfly
ChocoEgg 3 great purple emperor butterfly

Great! I'll send you a PM.
Where I try to find the best version of every prehistoric species: http://dinotoyblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=3390.0


New items added. For some reason some of my image links aren't working; I'm working on fixing it.

New stuff:
• Diramix/DeAgostini/ZooWorld aquatic animals
• Epoch
• Ikimon
• Kabaya Nyanko kittens
• lots of Kaiyodo Furuta Animatales/Pets
• Kaiyodo fishes
• Kaiyodo Deep Sea Odyssey
Where I try to find the best version of every prehistoric species: http://dinotoyblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=3390.0


PM sent!

You have a couple I've been hoping to track down!


It's such a shame you only ship in the US @Halichoeres Some of them figures I would like (penguins)  :(
Don't I take long uploading photos!


I think I was unclear. I ship FROM the US, but I ship TO anyplace. Many of these items are in boxes in the closet and will take some time to find, but let me know what you'd like and I'll try to help.
Where I try to find the best version of every prehistoric species: http://dinotoyblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=3390.0


Ok, I'll PM you soon of the ones I like.
Don't I take long uploading photos!


It would the postage to Spain be very expensive? If not I would be interested in know the exact measurements of the Japanese spider crab, horseshoe crab, Favorite blue whale, Ikimon relaxed isopod with no chain, Kaiyodo Aquatales African pompano, barracuda and Laysan albatross, Kaiyodo Shinagawa Aquarium nautilus and rockhopper penguin (not a Humboldt like you say below!), Kaiyodo Furuta Chocoegg Ryukyu flying fox and Safari blue whale :-)


Quote from: Advicot on January 12, 2020, 03:02:02 PM
Ok, I'll PM you soon of the ones I like.

I'm on it!

Quote from: Isidro on January 12, 2020, 05:49:26 PM
It would the postage to Spain be very expensive? If not I would be interested in know the exact measurements of the Japanese spider crab, horseshoe crab, Favorite blue whale, Ikimon relaxed isopod with no chain, Kaiyodo Aquatales African pompano, barracuda and Laysan albatross, Kaiyodo Shinagawa Aquarium nautilus and rockhopper penguin (not a Humboldt like you say below!), Kaiyodo Furuta Chocoegg Ryukyu flying fox and Safari blue whale :-)

Thank you for your interest! The absolute cheapest method of shipping to Spain is $14.25. That's assuming a weight of 1/4 kilo, and it does not include tracking or insurance. I wish it were cheaper, but that is what the US postal service charges me.

The reason I haven't updated this thread in a long time is that I moved and started a new job not long ago. So I currently do not know where most of these figures are; in fact, I cannot be 100% sure I can find them at all. I am happy to try to dig through the boxes in my closet to find something that somebody definitely wants, but I hope you can understand that I am reluctant to do that, and then measure them, and then send you a list of figures, when the result may be "never mind, that's the wrong size." On the other hand, as I get organized, I can keep an eye out for those figures when they emerge as part of that process.
Where I try to find the best version of every prehistoric species: http://dinotoyblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=3390.0


Quote from: Halichoeres on January 13, 2020, 10:16:55 PM
Quote from: Advicot on January 12, 2020, 03:02:02 PM
Ok, I'll PM you soon of the ones I like.

I'm on it!

Quote from: Isidro on January 12, 2020, 05:49:26 PM
It would the postage to Spain be very expensive? If not I would be interested in know the exact measurements of the Japanese spider crab, horseshoe crab, Favorite blue whale, Ikimon relaxed isopod with no chain, Kaiyodo Aquatales African pompano, barracuda and Laysan albatross, Kaiyodo Shinagawa Aquarium nautilus and rockhopper penguin (not a Humboldt like you say below!), Kaiyodo Furuta Chocoegg Ryukyu flying fox and Safari blue whale :-)

Thank you for your interest! The absolute cheapest method of shipping to Spain is $14.25. That's assuming a weight of 1/4 kilo, and it does not include tracking or insurance. I wish it were cheaper, but that is what the US postal service charges me.

The reason I haven't updated this thread in a long time is that I moved and started a new job not long ago. So I currently do not know where most of these figures are; in fact, I cannot be 100% sure I can find them at all. I am happy to try to dig through the boxes in my closet to find something that somebody definitely wants, but I hope you can understand that I am reluctant to do that, and then measure them, and then send you a list of figures, when the result may be "never mind, that's the wrong size." On the other hand, as I get organized, I can keep an eye out for those figures when they emerge as part of that process.

Well, to refresh your memory, you sold me the Kaiyodo bottlecap Lysan albatross and barracuda (and maybe the nautilus too), among others, so unless you had duplicates, you don't have those any more.

Isidro, the Epoch crustaceans are larger than their Kaiyodo and Yujin counterparts; the Epoch spider crab is the largest of my Japanese figures. I don't have a size handy, but my guess is they are both too large for you.


Quote from: bmathison1972 on January 13, 2020, 10:22:36 PM
Quote from: Halichoeres on January 13, 2020, 10:16:55 PM
Quote from: Advicot on January 12, 2020, 03:02:02 PM
Ok, I'll PM you soon of the ones I like.

I'm on it!

Quote from: Isidro on January 12, 2020, 05:49:26 PM
It would the postage to Spain be very expensive? If not I would be interested in know the exact measurements of the Japanese spider crab, horseshoe crab, Favorite blue whale, Ikimon relaxed isopod with no chain, Kaiyodo Aquatales African pompano, barracuda and Laysan albatross, Kaiyodo Shinagawa Aquarium nautilus and rockhopper penguin (not a Humboldt like you say below!), Kaiyodo Furuta Chocoegg Ryukyu flying fox and Safari blue whale :-)

Thank you for your interest! The absolute cheapest method of shipping to Spain is $14.25. That's assuming a weight of 1/4 kilo, and it does not include tracking or insurance. I wish it were cheaper, but that is what the US postal service charges me.

The reason I haven't updated this thread in a long time is that I moved and started a new job not long ago. So I currently do not know where most of these figures are; in fact, I cannot be 100% sure I can find them at all. I am happy to try to dig through the boxes in my closet to find something that somebody definitely wants, but I hope you can understand that I am reluctant to do that, and then measure them, and then send you a list of figures, when the result may be "never mind, that's the wrong size." On the other hand, as I get organized, I can keep an eye out for those figures when they emerge as part of that process.

Well, to refresh your memory, you sold me the Kaiyodo bottlecap Lysan albatross and barracuda (and maybe the nautilus too), among others, so unless you had duplicates, you don't have those any more.

Isidro, the Epoch crustaceans are larger than their Kaiyodo and Yujin counterparts; the Epoch spider crab is the largest of my Japanese figures. I don't have a size handy, but my guess is they are both too large for you.

Wow, I had completely forgotten about that. Thank you for the reminder. I might need to start this thread from scratch  :-[
Where I try to find the best version of every prehistoric species: http://dinotoyblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=3390.0


Quote from: bmathison1972 on January 13, 2020, 10:22:36 PM
Isidro, the Epoch crustaceans are larger than their Kaiyodo and Yujin counterparts; the Epoch spider crab is the largest of my Japanese figures. I don't have a size handy, but my guess is they are both too large for you.

Thanks a lot for that. Crustaceans deleted then :D


Quote from: Halichoeres on January 13, 2020, 10:16:55 PM
Quote from: Advicot on January 12, 2020, 03:02:02 PM
Ok, I'll PM you soon of the ones I like.

I'm on it!

Quote from: Isidro on January 12, 2020, 05:49:26 PM
It would the postage to Spain be very expensive? If not I would be interested in know the exact measurements of the Japanese spider crab, horseshoe crab, Favorite blue whale, Ikimon relaxed isopod with no chain, Kaiyodo Aquatales African pompano, barracuda and Laysan albatross, Kaiyodo Shinagawa Aquarium nautilus and rockhopper penguin (not a Humboldt like you say below!), Kaiyodo Furuta Chocoegg Ryukyu flying fox and Safari blue whale :-)

Thank you for your interest! The absolute cheapest method of shipping to Spain is $14.25. That's assuming a weight of 1/4 kilo, and it does not include tracking or insurance. I wish it were cheaper, but that is what the US postal service charges me.

The reason I haven't updated this thread in a long time is that I moved and started a new job not long ago. So I currently do not know where most of these figures are; in fact, I cannot be 100% sure I can find them at all. I am happy to try to dig through the boxes in my closet to find something that somebody definitely wants, but I hope you can understand that I am reluctant to do that, and then measure them, and then send you a list of figures, when the result may be "never mind, that's the wrong size." On the other hand, as I get organized, I can keep an eye out for those figures when they emerge as part of that process.

Don't worry, I understand perfectly. I find the shipping costs reasonable for a bunch of figures. I didn't knew that you don't have the figures at hand. It's a good idea to do as you say in your last phrase. Good luck with your new job and home! :)


Quote from: Isidro on January 14, 2020, 11:57:33 AM
Quote from: Halichoeres on January 13, 2020, 10:16:55 PM
Quote from: Advicot on January 12, 2020, 03:02:02 PM
Ok, I'll PM you soon of the ones I like.

I'm on it!

Quote from: Isidro on January 12, 2020, 05:49:26 PM
It would the postage to Spain be very expensive? If not I would be interested in know the exact measurements of the Japanese spider crab, horseshoe crab, Favorite blue whale, Ikimon relaxed isopod with no chain, Kaiyodo Aquatales African pompano, barracuda and Laysan albatross, Kaiyodo Shinagawa Aquarium nautilus and rockhopper penguin (not a Humboldt like you say below!), Kaiyodo Furuta Chocoegg Ryukyu flying fox and Safari blue whale :-)

Thank you for your interest! The absolute cheapest method of shipping to Spain is $14.25. That's assuming a weight of 1/4 kilo, and it does not include tracking or insurance. I wish it were cheaper, but that is what the US postal service charges me.

The reason I haven't updated this thread in a long time is that I moved and started a new job not long ago. So I currently do not know where most of these figures are; in fact, I cannot be 100% sure I can find them at all. I am happy to try to dig through the boxes in my closet to find something that somebody definitely wants, but I hope you can understand that I am reluctant to do that, and then measure them, and then send you a list of figures, when the result may be "never mind, that's the wrong size." On the other hand, as I get organized, I can keep an eye out for those figures when they emerge as part of that process.

Don't worry, I understand perfectly. I find the shipping costs reasonable for a bunch of figures. I didn't knew that you don't have the figures at hand. It's a good idea to do as you say in your last phrase. Good luck with your new job and home! :)

Thank you for your understanding and well wishes. I'll be in touch as soon as I've excavated the relevant figures.
Where I try to find the best version of every prehistoric species: http://dinotoyblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=3390.0


Hello! I would like to have the water beetle and the diving beetle from your Kaiyodo collection, if possible. Sent you a PM. Many thanks!