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New website about my handmade animal models - Horse and Bird

Started by Ana, July 17, 2014, 08:08:44 PM

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Hello friends! (I'm not sure if this is in the right section of this forum?)

Some of you probably noticed that my old website animal-gallery does not longer exist. I wasn't completely satisfied with it and I decided to open new one, with the name a bit more adequate to name of my company Horse and Bird :D It's also easier to update for me than the old one, so I will try to update it more regularly :D

I will be happy to add  there also links to websites of members of Animal Toy Forum (animal model related website, collections, handmade models but also, if you have such websites with info about diverse animals), please write your addresses in comments if you like me to add yours. :D

Thank you for letting me share. ;)

*CLICK here to visit my website*



