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Miscellaneous Japanese/Chinese - New for 2023

Started by bmathison1972, December 26, 2022, 04:35:21 PM

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Not Japanese but Chinese but it seems that the new line of figures Animal Heavenly Body is doing seems to be the return of Kaiyodo Aquatales/ Nature techni Color figures with the squarish base

The new line is called "The Melody of Life" and the first series focuses on the ocean and polar regions. These figures are blind box figures and in a case it is guaranteed a full set unless there's a secret

The set includes:

Polar bear, Beluga whale, Orca with calf
Great White shark with seal prey, Sperm whale, Bowhead whale with calf

The secret is a Beluga in a more neutral pose

Looks like nature is healing itself with the return of animal gacha. No obscure species but I'll snag up the White shark if I see it in stores


My immediate reaction...

nicely done, nice bases, new lines always good

China (for me, at least--not sure if others can get these from China (I did ask my source in Japan though and will of course update if he can get them.))

the big one...uneven in terms of authenticity--polar bears almost stylized, shark and bowhead and orcas to an extent more (thick and) toylike, the others more authentic (I always find it very frustrating when there's such disparity within sets--like those handful of Kaiyodo aquarium figures that are clearly done by far lesser artists (sawfish, divers with morays, two of the sea lions, cuttlefish, etc.)


Quote from: brettnj on December 12, 2023, 02:17:09 PMMy immediate reaction...

nicely done, nice bases, new lines always good

China (for me, at least--not sure if others can get these from China (I did ask my source in Japan though and will of course update if he can get them.))

the big one...uneven in terms of authenticity--polar bears almost stylized, shark and bowhead and orcas to an extent more (thick and) toylike, the others more authentic (I always find it very frustrating when there's such disparity within sets--like those handful of Kaiyodo aquarium figures that are clearly done by far lesser artists (sawfish, divers with morays, two of the sea lions, cuttlefish, etc.)

I don't understand how they're more stylized. Maybe you could tell me more? I think they're all fabulous figures and I'm interested in them all except the polar bear.


I agree. These are not 'stylized' and easily comparable to other high-quality gashapon figures.


I usually have a very immediate gut response to the authenticity of sculpts.

When Kaiyodo stopped producing gashapon animals for a bunch of years and then resumed, when I rediscovered them on eBay I was at first excited to see the beluga (I still remember...) but then saw some other aquarium figures that were very clearly of lesser quality (I remember wondering if they were counterfeit or being fearful that the company had changed drastically for the worse. Luckily, only a very few of those were made and, if I recall correctly, only within that very short period of time. Look especially at the divers with morays that look like representations of cartoon characters.

This company is very different in that it does all sorts of styles.

To my eye the polar bears are depicted as cute, with almost smiling faces. I like but wouldn't buy it. For whatever reason the shark strikes me as much more like a cheap toy than a scientific model--and certainly the what looks to be barely detailed sea lion doesn't help. As for the whales, they are varyingly better, but the bowhead and orcas look a little thick/chunky to me--like gift shop items made from some type of resin that can't handle the narrow areas of the pieces without breaking. The sperm whale and the beluga strike me as the most detailed/authentic. Like both of those very much and would buy if Japanese.

Of course other images could result in different impressions.


Not stilized at all IMO, @brettnj

Good set, not my cup of tea because of size

You can easily buy from China, as well as from Japan, using any of the warehouse/dealer websites available. For China I use YoyBuy and buy from TaoBao.


understandable @brettnj Even though I only pick the best of the best I do like to enjoy a nice figure when I see one.


generally the term stylized is used when proportions are off (certain features exaggerated), unrealistic paint styles, or anthropomorphized, for example. I wouldn't refer to something as stylized just because the sculpt or paint is a bit simpler than other examples, but that probably just my personal take.


I get that. Maybe not the best term.

But at the same time, to my eye, the proportions are off on some. The bears chunkier/cuter, the two whales thicker bodied at points that should be less so, like between bodies and tails. And the bears a bit simplified including in paint to the point that they look cute/smiling. Still like 'em though.


Quote from: bmathison1972 on December 12, 2023, 03:33:03 PMgenerally the term stylized is used when proportions are off (certain features exaggerated), unrealistic paint styles, or anthropomorphized, for example. I wouldn't refer to something as stylized just because the sculpt or paint is a bit simpler than other examples, but that probably just my personal take.

Like the laugh and grow fat series which is made by the same company as this new set


Butterflies of the World Vol. 1 (does that mean there will be more?) by Rainbow.

They are magnets, but still trying to figure out if they are PVC, coated paper, or what?

The Troides aeacus is a new species in figure form, and the Trigonoptera brookiana has been made only once (an acrylic mascot by Ikimon)




Yell crocodilians; these are designed to hold cords, as desk decor


    Quote from: bmathison1972 on December 30, 2023, 03:15:31 PMYell crocodilians; these are designed to hold cords, as desk decor

    That's what's going on.

    Any idea on species? The gavial/tomistoma is obvious, but can't tell the others from the photo.

    Edit 1: found them.

    Saltwater crocodile
    Nile Crocodile
    Spectacled Caiman
    American alligator
    Indian Gharial

    Also, apparently the parts 'move.

    Edit 2:It appears there's also a shark version[/list]


    Yup, the shark version (which has a mososaur too), was shown in this thread earlier in the year


    Quote from: bmathison1972 on November 11, 2023, 07:51:53 PMThese have shown up on eBay as Eikoh Minatureplanet new for 2023. Not sure if legit or not (individual figures have the Minatureplanet tag).

    My initial IDs:
    1. Cape buffalo
    2. Ostrich
    3. Sun Bear
    4. Rockhopper penguin
    5. African lion cub
    6. African lion adult
    7. Tiger
    8. Aardvark
    9. Mongoose (species?)
    10. Sand Cat
    11. Jackson's chameleon
    12. monkey (species? squirrel?)
    13. tortoise (Indian star vs. Burmese star?)
    14. Rattlesnake (western diamondback? eastern diamondback?)
    15. Marine Iguana
    16. Argentine horned frog

    @brettnj - do your contacts in Japan know anything about this?

    Can these be added to the first post?


    Quote from: Sim on May 11, 2024, 09:14:30 PM
    Quote from: bmathison1972 on November 11, 2023, 07:51:53 PMThese have shown up on eBay as Eikoh Minatureplanet new for 2023. Not sure if legit or not (individual figures have the Minatureplanet tag).

    My initial IDs:
    1. Cape buffalo
    2. Ostrich
    3. Sun Bear
    4. Rockhopper penguin
    5. African lion cub
    6. African lion adult
    7. Tiger
    8. Aardvark
    9. Mongoose (species?)
    10. Sand Cat
    11. Jackson's chameleon
    12. monkey (species? squirrel?)
    13. tortoise (Indian star vs. Burmese star?)
    14. Rattlesnake (western diamondback? eastern diamondback?)
    15. Marine Iguana
    16. Argentine horned frog

    @brettnj - do your contacts in Japan know anything about this?

    Can these be added to the first post?

    Done. I didn't do it initially as we weren't sure if/when they would ever be released.
