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Hopes & Dreams 2024; CollectA

Started by GojiraGuy1954, December 09, 2022, 05:10:42 PM

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Prehistoric World:

- Velociraptor mongoliensis (Scales with Protoceratops)
- Rugops primus
- Janavis finalidens
- Plateosaurus trossingensis
- Argentinosaurus huinculensis
- Brachytrachelopan mesai
- Scolosaurus cutleri
- Vancleavea campi
- Megatherium americanum
- Thylacoleo carnifex


- Euphractus sexcinctus "Six-Banded Armadillo"
- Helarctos malayanus "Sun Bear"
- Symphalangus syndactylus "Siamang"
- Gavialis gangeticus "Gharial"
- Rhea pennata "Darwin's Rhea"

Oceans & Ice:

- Bathynomus giganteus "Deep Sea Giant Isopod"
- Eurypharynx pelecanoides "Pelican Eel"
- Spheniscus humboldti "Humboldt Penguin"
- Cystophora cristata "Hooded Seal"

Little Wonders:

- Potorous tridactylus "Long-Nosed Potoroo"
- Neobarrettia spinosa "Greater Arid-Land Katydid"

NSD Bashe

Sundew plant, cock-of-the-rock, black swallower, maybe a nudibranch that hasn't been done or some obscure deep-sea jellyfish... also five-lined constellation fish would be cool, but even more unlikely since it's not officially recognized as real even.


Definitely agree with the hooded seal. Big want


Southern stingray
Leopard whipray
Porbeagle shark
An update to their great white
Great hammerhead
Giant Pacific octopus
Colossal squid
Estuarine crocodile
Longnose lancetfish
Green turtle
Standard carnotaurus
Updated velociraptor
Updated stegosaurus


I suck at these lists because I would take just about any animal that isn't already well represented by a figure and currently in production. That said, perhaps my most wanted figure from CollectA is a sika deer. CollectA excels at ungulates and we need a good sika deer. I'm particularly fond of the species because I have them locally. I also wouldn't mind seeing a mountain goat and American pronghorn from CollectA. I also would love to see an osprey from any toy company. It's a bird with a world-wide distribution, why is it being ignored?

EDIT: Had to edit my post to include a Magnapinna squid, I would love to get one of those and CollectA seems like a company that might deliver it. Also, a greenland shark, and with CollectA's recent track record with sharks I think they could pull it off.


Quote from: JimoAi on December 11, 2022, 01:44:21 PMCassowary

Ngl, i'm happy with their current Southern Cassowarry. Getting it for Christmas this year.