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CollectA 2021 Hopes and Dreams

Started by suspsy, November 30, 2019, 06:56:42 PM

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QuoteCollectA also needs to replace their polar bears and their chimpanzees.

Why? Are they inaccurate ?


Quote from: BramS on April 22, 2020, 09:18:36 AM
QuoteCollectA also needs to replace their polar bears and their chimpanzees.

Why? Are they inaccurate ?

They're not inaccurate, they just look very crude and outdated compared to CollectA's most recent products. Hence they really should be replaced just like the lions, the tigers, the hippo, the white rhino, the gorilla, etc.


Here's a long list of animals I'd like to see from CollectA in 2021 or further down the road:

-African bush elephant
-Asian elephant
-polar bear
-giant panda

-African forest elephant
-African hunting dog
-giant forest hog
-clouded leopard
-spectacled bear

-golden eagle
-great horned owl
-great blue heron
-king penguin
-marabou stork
-helmeted guineafowl

Reptiles and amphibians
-saltwater crocodile
-common snapping turtle
-leopard tortoise
-crocodile monitor
-marine iguana
-reticulated python
-eastern diamondback rattlesnake
-Japanese giant salamander

Sea creatures
-Greenland shark
-white sturgeon
-deep sea anglerfish
-southern elephant seal
-false killer whale
-colossal squid
-Steller's sea cow


Some amazing suggestions but I think a different owl maybe a spectacled owl would be nicer
Don't I take long uploading photos!


I would very much like Collecta to produce more Neotropical animals like

Andean Condor
Rhea (Rhea americana)
Coati (Nasua nasua)
Marsh Deer (Blastocerus dichotomus)
Brazilian Tapir and calf (Tapirus terrestris)
Andean Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque)
Common Opossum (Didelphis marsupialis)
Giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus)
Andean Beer
Amazonian Manatee (Trichechus inunguis)
Muriqui monkey (Brachyteles)
Patagonian Mara


I`d really like to see some more "uncommon" reptiles, uncommon as in "not made as a (good) toy yet"... like any other monitor lizard than a Komodo Dragon, most preferrably a Savannah Monitor or Gould`s Goanna (NOT to be confused with the Argus Monitor!) or a Common Newt (male in courtship).

Also there`s a serious lack of birds of the Hornbill family aswell as no figure of the Long-beaked Echidna other than the very crude, old, elusive and expensive Starlux.


Some of my most hoped are smaller cat species (caracal, fishing cat, jaguarundi, margay, etc.), assorted Carnivora animals that haven't been made by large brands yet (coati, fossa, tayra, rare otter species, kinkajou, ring tailed cat, etc.) a larger variety of primates (personally i would love a Miller's Grizzled Langur but I know that is very unlikely, maybe a blue monkey, vervet monkey, Cotton top Tamarin, Pygmy marmoset, etc.) and of course more hoof stock, as CollectA is unbeatable in this department. I would love to see them release a Topi, but the dikdik, gerenuk, bushbuck, chevrotain, bontebok, goa, goral, serow (other than the japanese serow) Sambar Deer, musk deer, or any sort of duiker would also make me very pleased :)
I would also love a bush dog but maybe that's just me
Always looking for new species...


Endogenylove, I think some of your suggestions are really good. I'd say I would like to see the Miller's grizzled langur as it has only recently been rediscovered by a fairly well known person: Forrest Galante
Don't I take long uploading photos!