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Planarians (Kitan Club / Nature Techni Colour / Science Techni Colour)

Started by stemturtle, December 26, 2015, 04:02:24 PM

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Here is a set of 6 figures of planarians, phylum Platyhelminthes or flatworms. The label identifies them as order Tricladida, but not by genus. My guess is Dugesia sp. There are two illustrations of regeneration.

If the head is cut down the center, two new heads are regenerated.

After the body is cross-cut into pieces, each piece can regenerate a new planarian.

An example of a planarian when the loop for attachment has been cut off.
The plastic is rubber-like, flat on the bottom. Thanks to Brett for sending the set.


I almost got this set. It's not in my narrowly-defined taxonomic group, but I almost bought it nonetheless. Now that I see them. I'd consider at least getting the intact planarian.



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Quote from: bmathison1972 on December 26, 2015, 04:52:45 PM
I almost got this set. It's not in my narrowly-defined taxonomic group, but I almost bought it nonetheless. Now that I see them. I'd consider at least getting the intact planarian.

That's exactly what I did--I felt I should have one, so I got the A1 style (intact straight). It's nice, a good size--I will need to trim off the strap though. It's actually my first-ever strap figure from Japan!


I just got one, the B1 style. Will post a pic with other acquisitions soon (waiting for a couple items to trickle in)