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Actual difference between Blog Posts, Walk-Arounds, & just making a post?

Started by EpicRaptorMan, May 18, 2024, 07:45:09 PM

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This is something I've always questioned about this forum. And I thought about asking it now.

But we're no longer allowed to make "Walk-Around" posts or figures and instead make a Blog Post for the website. What's the difference in those two and just taking some pictures and discussing a figure in general? It all just seems a bit convoluted. Examples are below, this isn't meant to single anyone out in a hostile manner but these are the most recent examples from each.

- Blog Post: https://animaltoyforum.com/blog/fire-salamander-wild-life-europe-by-schleich/

- Walk-Around Post: https://animaltoyforum.com/index.php?topic=1603.0

- Normal Post: https://animaltoyforum.com/index.php?topic=3407.msg42327;topicseen#new

Essentially it's all just pictures of animal toys and talking/reviewing them with other forum participants. Anyways just asking the bigger questions I had.


Posts are essentially sharing in the forum, which is the main point of a forum. The forum is also a centre for discussion, news, and other conversation (like this!) It can mean an assortment of photos, but usually in more of a personal collection way.

Walkarounds were kind of borrowed from STS and are primarily photo based, sometimes with some information, sometimes not (mine tended toward talky, some are mostly photos).

Blog posts are a separate place with generally more detail, and while related to the forum, act as an extension. The Dino Toy Blog & Forum always existed like that with a distinct separation (discussion vs figure focus). They kind of catalogue the broad range in the hobby and have better SEO

At least, that's how it seems to me from the first days of the DTF and STS

Walkarounds were common at one point, but when the blog came along, they seemed counterproductive. So over time they'll get migrated to the blog. All of my Yujin fish were migrated and edited to be more blog post like.


Following, the ATF's sister site, the DTF, walkarounds are the predecessor to the blog. Once the blog took off, walkarounds were seen as redundant.

However, in form and structure there isn't much difference. A Blog review can be as simple or detailed as one chooses and text can be minimal if someone doesn't want to write a lot. Some people like to write a lot in a blog review, including back ground information on the animal itself. But it's not required. A blog review can be a walkaround if one chooses. We don't require certain, or a specific amount, of content.

But you are right, there are grey areas. Frankly the post you cite by @Saarlooswolfhound would have been better as part of the Mojo New for 2024 thread under 'New for 2024' or the cattle-appropriate thread under Animal Groups, but it's not a biggie.


To me a walkaround is either photo-heavy to show off detail of a figure or heavily discussing said details in context (of the real animal or of similar figures; thus giving collectors a detailed view of a specific figure either through images or again pointing out pros and cons). This way a collector can "see" a figure first hand (rather than promo pics).

My hereford topic (from my POV) sort of falls in that category as I wanted to present the figures as "in hand" products for people to see rather than referencing the catalogue photos (as we know these can be very misleading). However, I didn't want to do a full walkaround or "article" style post on them, hence why there aren't a ton of photos nor dialogue.

With that said, if it would be better elsewhere then moderators/admins can always feel free to move it. As an aside, I find this forum a bit more difficult to navigate than STS and I haven't figured out if its just because I am still new here and haven't had a ton of free time to explore here or if STS is just so familiar to me because I have been a member for much longer. So I apologize in advance if I post something in the wrong category... again, feel free to move topics of mine! Just maybe send me a PM if you do so I can re-find it later. ;)