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Thousands of Emperor Penguins chicks killed in the Antarctic

Started by Animal Lover, August 27, 2023, 01:01:09 PM

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Animal Lover

Credit: BBC News Youtube Channel

- Reduction in sea ice has resulted in the deaths of an estimated 10,000 Emperor Penguin chicks.

- In 2022, satellites recorded a colony of Emperor Penguins disappearing I to the Bellingshausen Sea as the ice they were living on melted away.

- The chicks had not fully developed waterproof feathers as they most likely froze to death.

- Emperor Penguins rely on sea ice to breed but as the world warms due to climate change, they are increasingly vulnerable.

I do not want to sound pessimistic but it seems that we are losing in our battle against global warming. The consequences are already there and we are heading towards a point of no return.  Humanity indulges more and more in capitalism and its products and more and more is invested on space research. We can thank space research for some of the technologies we have today such as satellites but how is sending a rover on Mars or on the Moon or space tourism going to help? How about the same funding and the same determination was put in helping our poor, sick, patched up planet's issues such as the impending doom of  global warming and its impacts as seen here, worldwide famine; among others?  If we don't act now against this reality, then a healthy planet Earth won't be reality for future generations.
"The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man."
-Charles Darwin


The climate on this planet has never been consistent. Organisms constantly must adapt to survive.

I'm sure all the whales were pretty upset when the Isthmus of Panama rose from the ocean during that era of climate change too.

Trust in nature

Animal Lover

"The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man."
-Charles Darwin


It's an unfortunate reality. There are millions of species on this planet and there have been tens/hundreds of millions of species before. In essence 99.5% of everything that has ever lived on Earth is now gone. And 100% of it will be... eventually. Either extinct or changed.

Polar Bears are no exception. They're adaptable creatures like all. And there's evidence that even with the inevitable change in climate they too are becoming anew.

Above is a polar bear/brown bear hybrid.


I fully understand the evils of capitalism, but under this system I have the ability to buy animal toys with currency and have them shipped to me by burning fossil fuels. I feel guilty knowing I'm contributing, but I can't seem to stop.
I like turtles.