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ATF on Facebook, Twitter & Mastodon

Started by AnimalToyForum, January 06, 2013, 02:00:12 PM

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I don't think I've mentioned here yet that I've stopped posting on Twitter and Facebook in favour of Mastodon and the social web (Fediverse). AnimalToyBlog posts are now automatically shared into the Fediverse. You can follow the blog by searching for "[email protected]" on, for example, Mastodon.

I also just shared the following on the DinoToyForum, and the same applies here: an update today has introduced bidirectional threaded comments between the blog and the social web (Fediverse). Basically, this means that comments/replies on the blog (from blog accounts but not guest comments) also appear on Mastodon (etc), and all comments/replies on Mastodon (etc) appear as comments on the blog.

At the moment, comments on the blog appear under an umbrella dinotoyblog account on Mastodon. I can set it to separate user accounts, but that would also make the original blog posts appear under separate accounts, and I'd rather they all get grouped under one account, so people can follow the blog as a whole. Maybe a future update will provide separate settings for blog posts and comments.

I want to make sure bloggers are aware the content they post on the blog is now being fed into the social web.