All Monachus Reviews

Caribbean Monk Seal (Yowies Forgotten friends Series A by Cadbury)

2 (1 votes)

Human greed is a catastrophic thing for the world. It results in pollution and destruction of the environment, and the loss of many, many amazing creatures. One such example is the Caribbean Monk Seal, a docile creature that lived around the Caribbean islands. These animals were hunted by visitors to the island, often for their fur and oil.

Hawaiian Monk Seal (AZA Collection by K&M International)

3 (1 votes)

Review and images by Birdsage; edited by bmathison1972

Hawaiian monk seals (Monachus schauinslandi) are the subject of several myths that put it in danger. It is sometimes thought that they are an invasive species not indigenous to Hawaii, but brought there by humans in very recent history.

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